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In NHSGGC, there are a number of alerts that are distributed around the organisation by the Health and Safety department.

Safety Alert Policy – June 2022

Medical Devices Alerts (MDA)

MDAs were introduced in England on 1 January 2003, to replace the previous types of safety warnings (Hazard Notice, Safety Notice, Device Alert, Advice Notice, Safety Notices and Pacemaker Technical Notes).

Safety Action Notices (SAN)

SANs are notices that disseminate relevant NHS England Patient Safety Alerts relating to equipment. This is to ensure that the communication is being sent to the right people and that the communication is being actioned appropriately, and does not get confused with any other Scottish initiatives.

Estates and Facilities Alerts (EFA)

EFAs started in 2010; a new format safety warning dealing with Estates and Facilities equipment, and is issued in one of two priorities: Action (standard priority) and Immediate Action (top priority).

Field Safety Notices (FSN)

FSNs are alerts received directly from equipment manufacturers. 

Internal Safety Notices (ISN) and Risk Awareness Notices (RAN)

ISNs and RANs are generated from incidents that have occurred internally, and have been investigated by either the Health & Safety departments, or Risk Management department respectively.

Product Recalls (PR) and Customer Advice Notices (CAN)

PRs and CANs are alerts / recalls that have been issued from the National Procurement department of NHS Services Scotland.