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Get on Your Bike – But Check Your Helmet

  • 2 min read

A Glasgow trauma co-ordinator is today asking parents and carers to encourage children to wear a helmet when bike riding.

Since the pandemic, more and more people are using bikes for their daily exercise and this includes children.

Unfortunately, this has resulted in a rise in the number of children attending emergency departments with head injuries, particularly at the Royal Hospital for Children (RHC).

In 2019, there were only 13 children admitted with moderate trauma related to bike accidents. During the three months of lockdown, the RHC have already had 18 children being admitted with moderate trauma related to bikes.

Major Trauma Co-ordinator at the RHC, Mark Lilley is encouraged that so many more children are choosing to get on their bikes, but has noticed a trend that more children who do not use safety equipment, such as helmets, tend to require admission to hospital as a result of a head injury, more than those who have used a helmet. Some of these are for head wounds and some for observation.

He said:  “Fortunately, the vast majority of children are able to go home following assessment and treatment but for some children head injuries can be serious enough to require admission and can often go on to develop symptoms of concussion.  This can lead to headaches, fatigue, poor concentration, poor balance or co-ordination, sensitivity to light or noise, changes in mood and nausea.

“I am asking that parents and carers to please continue to encourage their children to keep using their bikes!

“If they have a helmet, please check it is the right size for them. If they do not have a helmet, then many shops have online guidance on how to measure your child’s head correctly to make sure they can get an appropriate sized helmet. Or check out ROSPA for more information on safe cycling!

“We really want to encourage people to keep cycling but to do it safely.”