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HR Connect

Workforce Analytics provides workforce statistics for both internal and external use. The information they supply is used throughout the organisation and is provided externally to the Scottish Government and in response to Freedom of Information requests.

Workforce Analytics also maintains and supports NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s HR system, which is accessed by over 600 staff to obtain personnel, recruitment and training information across the organisation. In addition the team are involved in supporting the implementation of the new national Electronic Employee Support System (eESS).

Most of Workforce Analytics monthly reports are circulated either through MicroStrategy or  SharePoint. Should you require access or wish to discuss any of our reports, please contact:

The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 require public sector employers to publish information relating to facility time taken by union representatives within their organisation. The reporting period runs from 1 April to 31 March and reports require to be published by 31 July each year.

ISD Scotland Workforce Information

NHSScotland’s  Information Services Division (ISD) provides health information, health intelligence, statistical services and advice that support the NHS in progressing quality improvement in health and care and facilitates robust planning and decision making.

In order to support this work ISD collects a variety of information on staff employed in NHS Scotland. This information is used by ISD and NHS Boards to support local, regional and national workforce planning.

The latest National Statistics publication of Workforce Information can be accessed using this link and provides data at national and board level under the following headings

  • All staff in post
  • Vacancy numbers for nursing and midwifery, allied health professions, consultants and pharmacy staff
  • Staff Turnover
  • Nursery and midwifery student intakes, students in training and progression rates
  • Clinical nurse specialists
  • Consultant contract
  • Dental workforce

More Information

Contact Us

Workforce Analytics Team

eESS Technical Team

eESS Support Team

Workforce Forms Guidelines

There is a range of guidance available to help managers provide the workforce information that is required for good staff governance.

The information provided will be recorded into HR, Payroll and finance systems in line with Data protection guidelines.

Please note the following link is available internally only via Staffnet.

More Information

Strategic Influencing

Influence is Critical

Being able to influence effectively at all levels across the organisation in a way that builds relationships for today and for tomorrow is a critical leadership skill.

Being able to influence effectively supports NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to fulfill our purpose, develop our culture and capability and to work efficiently with other agencies.

We have developed learning videos to offer some simple tools and approaches to develop your influencing skills.

  • Behavioural Styles
  • Mapping Best Practice
  • Principles of Power
  • Stakeholder Influencing Process
  • Stakeholder Mapping Process.

To view these videos, please visit our Staffnet pages.

Further development in the form of a one day Strategic Influencing Skills workshop and access to one-to-one Influencing Coaching sessions may be available – please discuss with your OD Advisor and line manager.

Online Leadership Sessions

Short, focused sessions can be a useful way of learning about new ways of thinking or good practice from others without undertaking a longer development programme.

Our online leadership sessions focus on specific leadership topics or skills and are designed to offer a “taster” or introduction rather than deep knowledge or learning.

Online leadership sessions are aimed at mid/senior level or those who have completed a longitudinal leadership programme. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis.

2024 Calendar

Everything offered by OD aims to be inclusive for all staff. Please email or your local OD Advisor, if we can help with any arrangements, for instance for staff with a sensory impairment, that would make our programmes or materials easier for you to access.


Coaching is a person centred, future focussed and positive development approach.

It is increasingly used in all business settings, including the Health Service across Scotland. It has been shown to be a cost-effective and holistic approach to improving both individual and organisational performance.

In our Board, coaching interventions are always linked to organisational objectives whilst recognising the need for individuals to have support and challenge as part of the coaching process. Coaching is always a confidential and supportive intervention. It is well recognised that when managers take a coaching approach with staff that engagement, motivation and productivity can increase.

The Board has a small bank of professional trained coaches who are able to provide a coaching service. To access this coaching service you need to discuss your needs with your line manager in the first instance.

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is a structured development approach where coach and ‘coachee’ undertake a series of one to one meetings to oversee a process of personal development.

Meetings are confidential and a coach will never share any details of what is discussed (unless helpful to the process and by agreement).

A register of approved executive coaches who have been chosen for their experience and results at this level is now in place and held by the Heads of OD.

Approved coaches have experience in different organisational settings, are professionally accredited and licensed to use a range of psychometrics and 360 tools if applicable.

Coaching activity will be time bound, regularly reviewed against objectives and evaluated by OD both at the individual level and as an overall provision in the organisation.

Further Information

To discuss whether coaching is the right option for you, or for further information please contact your OD Advisor.

Everything offered by OD aims to be inclusive for all staff. If we can help with any arrangements, for instance for staff with a sensory impairment, that would make our programmes or materials easier for you to access.

Leading Effective Teams

Teams are the vehicle that brings the skills, knowledge and experience of individuals together to enable NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde be a highly effective organisation.  

The Affina Team Journey provides a proactive approach for implementing and maintaining effective team working across the whole organisation and between organisations. Both underpin and reflect our organisational value “we work as one team”.

The Affina Team Journey is a unique step-by-step interactive programme, providing easy-to-use diagnostic tools for assessing a team’s performance, and tools to develop team effectiveness in the areas identified in research as essential for team success.

For further information contact your OD Advisor.

Everything offered by OD aims to be inclusive for all staff. If we can help with any arrangements, for instance for staff with a sensory impairment, that would make our programmes or materials easier for you to access.

Medical Management Programme

Introduction letter from Dr Jennifer Armstrong, Board Medical Director

Dear Colleague,

I am pleased to make you aware of and fully support you to take part in the Medical Management Development Programme in NHSGGC. This new initiative has been created to address the succession planning and development needs of doctors in leadership positions across primary, secondary and mental health care. As you know, these roles are critical for shaping clinical and service change across the Board, for the effective leadership and management of the medical workforce and ultimately for the delivery of high quality patient care. The programme aims to support your development in the skills and knowledge required in these roles and it also contributes to your continuous professional development.

There are 8 modules in the programme, all delivered three times a year in a published schedule across the calendar year. This gives you flexible options for attendance and completion of the programme over 12 months. There will also be opportunities for coaching and mentoring support and further learning.

If you are keen to advance your career in Medical Management or anticipate that you will be asked to fulfil such a position in the future please take full advantage of this important development opportunity.

Many thanks,

Dr Jennifer Armstrong, Board Medical Director

Information on all modules is available in our programme descriptor


Medical Management Programme Materials and Pre-Reading

Slides and pre-reading for each module (where available) are available on our Staffnet page   

Everything offered by OD aims to be inclusive for all staff. If we can help with any arrangements, for instance for staff with a sensory impairment, that would make our programmes or materials easier for you to access.

Leadership Lift Foundations

The North, South and Clyde Sectors and Womens and Childrens Services have joined forces to collaborate on a pilot leadership programme called Leadership Lift Foundations (LLF).

Leadership Lift Foundations is a leadership development journey that focuses on practical application and group mentoring support alongside leadership and management theory. The desired outcome is that, as a leader, you feel proactively supported in your leadership role.

The programme runs over a 4 month period in short, bite sized sessions and starts with completion of a self-assessment questionnaire from which you will receive a leadership profile report, a profile debrief and a development planning session to enhance and align with your existing Personal Development Plan (PDP).

It includes leadership modules and modules related to operational management, including group mentoring and learning sessions aimed at reflecting and embedding lessons from the leadership and management modules which you complete and involves discussing practical application and case examples with experienced leaders to ensure the transfer and practical application of learning as well as expand your circle and network of support.

The programme will run collaboratively across GGC so that learning can be shared across and create opportunities for cross collaboration and networking, so you will get to meet other leaders from across the organisation.  

To complete the programme will require approximately 14 days of your time over 4 months, at an average of 2 hours a week. All sessions will be virtual using MS Teams.

For more information contact for North Sector and Women and Childrens Services and for Clyde Sector.

Ready To Lead

Enhancing leadership capacity and capability at every level of the organisation is crucial to meeting our organisational goals and achieving our outcomes. 

Ready to Lead has been designed to support frontline leaders develop critical skills and competencies to support their leadership role within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Descriptors for each module are in the Programme Information Pack 

Leading Effective Teams 

The key objective of this module is to enable team leaders facilitate the development of their team towards high performance. A range of tools and techniques will be covered to support individuals develop the skills and confidence to most effectively develop their teams.

Leading Continuous Improvement

Designed to provide delegates with a deeper understanding of improvement and redesign and will cover a range of tools and techniques, and support delegates to undertake their individual improvement projects.

Emotional Intelligence

Designed to support delegates to become more aware of the impact of the role that emotions play in personal effectiveness and in building and maintaining professional relationships.

Enabling Conversations

This module further embeds the principles of Emotional Intelligence specifically around developing approaches and skills to support productive conversations which achieve positive outcomes.

Leading With The Brain in Mind 

The key objectives of this module are for participants to understand new thinking on how the brain functions. They will get insight into their own brain’s capacities to enable them to manage themselves more effectively as well as brain training to improve individual functioning. Brain drivers are examined and explored to lead to better interactions and management of self and others.

There are also examples of Participant Improvement Projects to view.

Contact your local OD Advisor for more information.

Everything offered by OD aims to be inclusive for all staff. If we can help with any arrangements, for instance for staff with a sensory impairment, that would make our programmes or materials easier for you to access.

Participant Improvement Projects

All participants are expected to complete an improvement project as part of Ready to Lead.  The programme is designed to ensure everyone undertakes “Understanding Continuous Improvement” as their first module to provide a series of tools and approaches they can use to take their project forward.

Below are examples of projects previous Ready to Lead graduates have delivered. You may find these helpful as you firm up your project content and outcomes. We encourage you to make contact with anyone who has delivered or is delivering a project similar to your own to learn from their experience or approach.

  • Orthopaedic Outpatients
  • Referral Criteria
  • Amalgamation of Out of Hours District Nursing Services
  • Development of EPR
  • Improving Communication

Find out more information on improvement activities carried out in Regional Services Theatres. These were not actioned as part of Ready to Lead but are excellent examples of how improvement activities can be successfully undertaken.  

Theatres Improvement Projects

The following documents offer information on the improvement approach taken by the Regional Services Theatre team, highlighting the problems before action was taken and the outcomes achieved as a result of improvements made.

Mentoring Information

Thank you for supporting the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, one of the Health Board’s largest vaccination programmes ever undertaken.

NHSGGC have received thousands of applications from individuals who are interested in becoming COVID-19 Vaccinators or COVID-19 Healthcare Support Worker Vaccinators.  Applications for new individuals are currently suspended whilst the existing applications are processed.   

Any future opportunities will be advertised on the NHS Scotland Recruitment website.  Be sure to sign up for job alerts on the NHS Scotland Recruitment to receive notifications when NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are accepting more applications for COVID-19 Vaccinators or COVID-19 Healthcare Support Worker Vaccinators.

COVID-19 Vaccinator Eligibility

COVID-19 Vaccinators

To work as a COVID-19 Vaccinator, you must hold current registration in one of the eligible occupations:

  • Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) – all occupations.
  • General Medical Council (GMC) – all levels (excluding FY1 doctors).
  • General Dental Council (GDC) – Dentist, Dental Hygienist, Dental Therapist.
  • Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) – Chiropodist / Podiatrist, Dietitian, Occupational Therapist, Orthoptist, Paramedic, Physiotherapist, Prosthetists / Orthotist, Radiographer, Speech and Language Therapist.
  • General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) – Pharmacist.
  • General Optical Council (GOC) – Optometrist.
CVOVID-19 Healthcare Support Worker Vaccinators

If you do not hold a current registration in one of the occupations listed above, you may be eligible to apply to work as a COVID-19 Healthcare Support Worker Vaccinator. 

Rates of Reimbursement

COVID-19 Vaccinators

The rates of pay are guided by the Scottish Government.  As of 04 March 2022, they are as follows:

  • All COVID-19 Vaccinators, regardless of profession or experience, will be reimbursed on the Band 5 Agenda for Change payscale.
COVID-19 Healthcare Support Worker Vaccinators

All COVID-19 Vaccinator Healthcare Support Workers, regardless of profession or experience, will be reimbursed on the Band 3 Agenda for Change payscale.

Training Requirements

In conjunction with the Scottish Government, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and pharmaceutical organisations, a wealth of training has been developed in a short space of time, in order to keep yourself and our patients safe.  NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde have developed a training schedule in which all COVID-19 Vaccinators and COVID-19 Healthcare Support Workers must demonstrate competence in.

The training schedule will be updated, as new vaccines are developed and the vaccination programme evolves. 

As part of the COVID-vaccinator recruitment process, you will be asked to confirm (and provide evidence, where possible) that you meet the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde COVID-19 Vaccinator or COVID-19 Healthcare Support Worker Vaccinator training schedule.

Please note: Due to the sheer volume of applications received, there may be a delay in receiving your practical / induction training session. The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Staff Bank are arranging training shifts as soon as spaces become available.  We would like to thank you for your patience during this time.  

Key Documents


Stage 1 Authorisation

All vacancies within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (including vacancies within the Health and Social Care Partnerships).

 The Vacancy Request Form must be authorised and signed by:

  • Hiring Manager
  • Head of Finance
  • Service Director or Chief Officer

Stage 2 Authorisation

Some posts will require additional authorisation from senior officers within the Board.  Please use the drop-down sections below to ascertain whether the vacancy requires additional (stage 2) authorisation. 

Administrative services

New posts

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the Financial Improvement Programme (FIP) Group. This group meets every Wednesday and further clarification may be sought on vacancy requests.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to: for the FIP Group’s consideration.

Replacement posts: Band 8A and above

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the NHSGGC Chief Executive.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to: for the Chief Executive’s consideration.

If the post is jointly funded by the local authority, the post will also require authorisation from the Chief Executive of the local authority in addition to the Board’s Chief Executive.

Replacement posts: Band 2 – Band 7

No additional approval is required.

Allied Health Professions

New posts

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the Financial Improvement Programme (FIP) Group. This group meets every Wednesday and further clarification may be sought on vacancy requests.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to:  for the FIP Group’s consideration.

Replacement posts: Band 8A and above

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the NHSGGC Chief Executive.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to: for the Chief Executive’s consideration.

If the post is jointly funded by the local authority, the post will also require authorisation from the Chief Executive of the local authority in addition to the Board’s Chief Executive.

Replacement posts: Band 2 – Band 7

No additional approval is required.

Executive Level

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the NHSGGC Chief Executive.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to: for the Chief Executive’s consideration.

If the post is jointly funded by the local authority, the post will also require authorisation from the Chief Executive of the local authority in addition to the Board’s Chief Executive.

Health Science Services

New posts

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the Financial Improvement Programme (FIP) Group. This group meets every Wednesday and further clarification may be sought on vacancy requests.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to: for the FIP Group’s consideration.

Replacement posts: Band 8A and above

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the NHSGGC Chief Executive.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to: for the Chief Executive’s consideration.

If the post is jointly funded by the local authority, the post will also require authorisation from the Chief Executive of the local authority in addition to the Board’s Chief Executive.

Replacement posts: Band 2 – Band 7

No additional approval is required.

Medical and Dental

Consultant (replacement) positions

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the Chief of Medicine within the relevant area.

Senior Medical positions and new Consultant posts

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, any new proposed: Consultant-level posts, Lead Clinician, Clinical Director, or Chiefs of Medicine posts will require authorisation from the NHSGGC Deputy Medical Director (Dr Scott Davidson).  

The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to the Recruitment Service: for authorisation.

Other Medical and Dental positions

No additional approval is required.

Medical and Dental Support

New posts

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the Financial Improvement Programme (FIP) Group. This group meets every Wednesday and further clarification may be sought on vacancy requests.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to:  for the FIP Group’s consideration.

Replacement posts: Band 8A and above

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the NHSGGC Chief Executive.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to: for the Chief Executive’s consideration.

If the post is jointly funded by the local authority, the post will also require authorisation from the Chief Executive of the local authority in addition to the Board’s Chief Executive.

Replacement posts: Band 2 – Band 7

No additional approval is required.

Nursing and Midwifery

New posts

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the Financial Improvement Programme (FIP) Group. This group meets every Wednesday and further clarification may be sought on vacancy requests.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to:  for the FIP Group’s consideration.

Replacement posts: Band 8A and above

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from:

  • The Chief Nurse (or equivalent) within the relevant area; and
  • The NHSGGC Nursing Director Professor Angela Wallace. The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to: for the Nursing Director’s consideration; and
  • The NHSGGC Chief Executive. The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to: for the Chief Executive’s consideration.

If the post is jointly funded by the local authority, the post will also require authorisation from the Chief Executive of the local authority I addition to the Board’s Chief Executive.

Replacement posts: Band 6 and Band 7

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the Chief Nurse (or equivalent) within the relevant area.

Replacement posts: Band 2 – Band 5

No additional approval is required.

Personal and Social Care

New posts

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the Financial Improvement Programme (FIP) Group. This group meets every Wednesday and further clarification may be sought on vacancy requests.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to: for the FIP Group’s consideration.

Replacement posts: Band 8A and above

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the NHSGGC Chief Executive.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to: for the Chief Executive’s consideration.

If the post is jointly funded by the local authority, the post will also require authorisation from the Chief Executive of the local authority in addition to the Board’s Chief Executive.

Replacement posts: Band 2 – Band 7

No additional approval is required.

Senior Managers

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the NHSGGC Chief Executive.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to: for the Chief Executive’s consideration.

If the post is jointly funded by the local authority, the post will also require authorisation from the Chief Executive of the local authority in addition to the Board’s Chief Executive.

Support Services

New posts

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the Financial Improvement Programme (FIP) Group. This group meets every Wednesday and further clarification may be sought on vacancy requests.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to: for the FIP Group’s consideration.

Replacement posts: Band 8A and above

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the NHSGGC Chief Executive.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to: for the Chief Executive’s consideration.

If the post is jointly funded by the local authority, the post will also require authorisation from the Chief Executive of the local authority in addition to the Board’s Chief Executive.

Replacement posts: Band 2 – Band 7

No additional approval is required.

Therapeutic Services

New posts

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the Financial Improvement Programme (FIP) Group. This group meets every Wednesday and further clarification may be sought on vacancy requests.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to:  for the FIP Group’s consideration.

Replacement posts: Band 8A and above

In addition to the stage 1 approval process, these vacancies will require authorisation from the NHSGGC Chief Executive.  The Vacancy Request Form (and accompanying documents) must be emailed to: for the Chief Executive’s consideration.

If the post is jointly funded by the local authority, the post will also require authorisation from the Chief Executive of the local authority in addition to the Board’s Chief Executive.

Replacement posts: Band 2 – Band 7

No additional approval is required.

Your application form will play a key part in deciding whether you will be short listed for interview for the post you apply for. It is important that you take the time to complete it as fully and as accurately as possible.

Please read the guidance notes in the candidate information pack for the job carefully before you start. You should also read the Job Description/Person Specification for the post that you are applying for.

Before you submit your application please check that all of the relevant parts of the NHS Scotland Application form have been completed.

Application Form – Personal Details and Criminal Convictions Declaration

This section provides our Recruitment team with contact details and confirms your eligibility to work in the UK and requires the declaration of any criminal convictions for posts exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act.

Data Protection

Any data about you will be held in completely secure conditions, with access restricted to only those involved in the administration of the post have applied for.

Your Equalities Opportunities Monitoring information will not be accessible to anyone involved in the shortlisting/interview process.

It will be understood that by submitting the application form you are giving your consent to the processing of your data in the ways described above.


It a criminal offence for any employer to hire a new employee whose immigration status prevents him or her from legally working in the UK.

This applies to all types of NHS employment, including part-time, temporary or bank posts. All applicants, regardless of nationality, will be asked to produce evidence of eligibility to work in the UK and these will be verified at interview and again should you be successful for a post.  More information about immigration and the sponsorship process can be found at the UK Government website.

Application Form – Employment Details

You must give us details of your current or most recent employer.

Please provide details of previous employment including part-time, temporary, clinical attachments, honorary posts or voluntary work.

Qualifications and Training Details

Please provide details of all relevant education, qualifications & training courses. You should expect to provide copies of relevant qualifications in the event that you are offered a post.

Assessment Form A – Questions

Applicants who can demonstrate that they possess the knowledge, skills, experience, and clinical competencies required for the job give themselves the best opportunity of being shortlisted and selected for interview.

Make sure you review the job description/person specification for the post that you are applying for as that will detail the skills, abilities, clinical competencies and experience required for the post.

It is important to provide evidence that you can meet each of the requirements in the job description/person specification, by giving specific examples of what you have done and how you believe you meet each requirement. Remember the person reviewing your application form won’t be able to second guess your skills and experience unless you outline it.  Unless you provide evidence that you possess all the requirements, supported by relevant examples, you may not be included in the shortlist.

Your application will be considered by a Clinician(s), who will decide who to select for interview on the basis of the essential criteria for the post.  It is important, therefore, that you work on your application to ensure it reflects the job description and the recruitment advertisement.

Remember to be accurate and honest when you complete your application as the information you provide will be verified at various stages of our recruitment and selection process.


If you are shortlisted for interview, our Medical Recruitment Team will contact your referees. Satisfactory references must be received to an acceptable standard before any new employee can commence employment. If you are in employment, or have been in employment, please make sure that at least one of the referees you nominate includes your present or most recent employer and should be your Line Manager/Educational Supervisor/Clinical Lead. We do not accept referees from family members or friends.

Please ensure you provide accurate contact details including an e-mail address for your referees and most importantly don’t forget to get their permission to be contacted by us.

The Selection Process & Shortlisting Stage

Upon submission of your application, you will receive a notification that it has been received and awaits the process of shortlisting. Shortly thereafter, you will either be invited to select an interview slot or, if you have been unsuccessful at the shortlisting stage, you will be notified by email that your application has failed shortlisting.

Interview Stage

If you are selected for interview, you will be asked to attend a panel interview either in person or via Microsoft Teams.   In addition to a set of interview questions, candidates may be asked to deliver a presentation, or provide a response to a clinical scenario. Candidates will be advised in advance of the interview what they will be expected to do on the day, so will have time to prepare. 

You will be asked to bring the following original documents to interview:  Passport, biometric card (where appropriate,) Medical Degree Certificate, GMC Certificate or letter, and 2 utility bills to confirm your address.

Equal Opportunities and Equality Monitoring

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s staff are our most valuable resource. By ensuring we have  good recruitment practice that will  make a significant contribution to ensuring we promotes a culture of person-centred care, placing the patient at the heart of everything we do.

We are committed to attracting the highest calibre of job applicants through a fair and consistent recruitment process, treating all our candidates fairly to ensure we recruit the best person for each vacancy.

We endeavour to ensure we do not discriminate during any stage of the recruitment process and in particular comply with the Equality Act 2010 which makes it illegal to discriminate against protected characteristics i.e.  age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation.  

We are required to gather data for both applicants and employees to ensure that our policy on Equality and Diversity is effective and meets statutory requirements.  All applicants are therefore required to provide the information requested in the Application Form’s Declarations section – this information is not made available to the shortlister(s).    .

Finally we hope you find the guidance we have provided useful and we wish you good luck if you decide to apply for a post at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. 

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde participates in 2 schemes aimed at supporting the employment and career development of disabled people :

Job Interview Guarantee (JIG) scheme means that if a candidate declares a disability , and meet the minimum/essential  criteria outlined within the Person Specification for the post then they  will be guaranteed an interview. 

Job Centre Plus Two Ticks symbol: the two ticks scheme is a recognition given to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde by Jobcentre Plus because we have agreed to take action to meet five commitments regarding the employment, retention, training and career development of disabled employees. It is represented by the two ticks disability symbol (displayed right) that participating organisations in the UK  are authorised to display. As a symbol user, an interview is guaranteed to any candidate with a disability whose application meets all of the minimum/essential criteria for the post.

Pre-Employment Checks

Disclosure of Criminal Convictions

  • Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Order 2013
  • The Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland Act ) 2007 The  1997 Police Act

Criminal Convictions – Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974

NHS Scotland is exempt from the 1974 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exclusions & Exceptions) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2015.  This means that unless stated in the job description, person specification or application pack, you must tell us about any previous unspent convictions along with only those spent convictions that relate to Disclosure Scotland’s  ‘Offences which must always be disclosed’ list. If you are offered employment, any failure to disclose such convictions could result in withdrawal of the offer of employment dismissal or disciplinary action.  Any information you give will be considered only in relation to the post for which the  application  you submit refers to.

Information will be verified by Disclosure Scotland for relevant posts.

Please note; you are not required to tell us about any previous spent convictions that relate to Disclosure Scotland’s  ‘Offences which are disclosed subject to the rules’ list.

Please refer to Disclosure Scotland’s website for further guidance and details on the two lists relating to spent convictions. 

Certificate of Good Standing

If you have been living out with the UK for a period of more than a year within the last 5 years, you will require to submit a Certificate of Good Standing from the police authority in that country.

General Medical Council (GMC)

To be eligible to practice medicine in the UK, you will require a licence to practice through the General Medical Council.  If you are applying for a substantive Consultant post, you will require to be on the specialist register for your particular specialty. You can find out more on the GMC and specialist registration website.


All doctors who do not have a National Training Number require to undergo revalidation, this includes all non-training career grade doctors in secondary care who have a substantive, locum or honorary contract with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. It does not include doctors in training (including Foundation Year trainees, Specialty Registrars, Core Trainees and those who hold Locum Appointment for Training posts), for whom NHS Education for Scotland (NES) is the body responsible for revalidation.  

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Responsible Officers are as follows:

Responsible Officer: Dr Jennifer Armstrong, Medical Director

Please note: General Practitioners (GPs) who carry out the majority of their clinical work within Secondary Care should undertake a single appraisal within Secondary Care, which also covers their Primary Care practice. All GPs are required to work an average of fifty sessions per year to demonstrate that they are maintaining their clinical skills.

If you have a specific query or question regarding Medical Revalidation or Appraisal please email a member of the Medical Staffing Team will get back to you.

Doctors in training with queries regarding revalidation should contact NES for clarification:

Consultant Posts: Certificate of Completion of Training – Criteria for Interview

To be interviewed for a substantive Consultant post, those trained in the UK should have evidence of higher specialist training leading to CCT and be within 6 months of confirmed entry from date of interview or have been awarded Specialist Registration via the Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) . Non-UK applicants must demonstrate equivalent training.

Criteria before taking up post

Before commencement in a Consultant post you require to be on the GMC Specialist Register for the relevant Specialty or the GDC Specialist List for the relevant Specialty.

Guidance on Consultant Appointments

Consultant Appointments must be carried out in accordance with the Scottish Government’s General Guidance on Medical & Dental Appointments

Overarching Principles for Consultant Recruitment within NHS in Scotland:

  • The consultant recruitment process is owned and determined by the Health Board as the employer. 
  • The management of and decisions taken regarding the consultant recruitment process is the responsibility of the Health Board. 
  • It is recognised that externality provides a valuable contribution to the objective assessment of applicants and the role of an External Adviser is included within this consultant recruitment process

Summary Guide

Consultants carry ultimate clinical responsibility for every patient seen under their care. The public is therefore entitled to expect that all consultants will have reached the highest standards of skill and knowledge and this is guaranteed by means of a statutory appointments procedure for recruitment of consultants laid down in regulations. The regulations and supporting guidance were revised in July 2009 (The National Health Service (Appointment of Consultants) (Scotland) Regulations 2009).

While the majority of the actions within the consultant recruitment process, which were previously subject to regulation, now lie with the NHS boards who hold responsibility for the process, some key elements are still subject to regulation and remain under statutory control. 

The statutory element includes the appointment of a trained External Adviser from a different NHS board as a full member of the consultant assessment panel: this is intended to ensure the clinical quality of appointed candidates is maintained.  The External Adviser will have been trained in selection processes and, with experience of other appointments, can provide advice on the appointment from a different perspective than the local clinical team.   

Key Roles within the Recruitment Process

Within the recruitment  process it is for the recruiting Board to determine the staff and their roles within the process; however each recruitment process should include the following key roles:

The Board Lead Officer

The Board should identify a Lead Officer to manage an individual recruitment process with support from the HR department. Within the recruitment process it is anticipated that this Lead Officer will often be a medical manager or dental manager, who may, depending on the size of the Board, or the specialty involved, choose to either directly lead the recruitment process or identify who will. Other possibilities for this role include a lead clinician from within the service or the clinical service manager.


The Chair of the panel has delegated authority from the recruiting Board to make an offer of employment. This authority is contained within the regulations. Boards may choose to appoint the Lead Officer as Chair, or may alternatively choose a senior manager or non-executive director to chair the assessment panel.

External Adviser

The regulations require a single External Adviser is included on the assessment panel for consultant appointments within NHS in Scotland. The role of the External Adviser will be to advise the recruiting Board on each stage in the process, including commenting and advising on the job description, person specification, the selection methodology and participating in the selection process. This External Adviser is identified from the list of External Advisers maintained by the Academy, and must be external, i.e. not employed by the recruiting Board, and must be in the same specialty as the post being appointed to. In rare instances of small specialties it may be necessary to seek an External Adviser from out with Scotland.

The Assessment Panel

The assessment panel is convened by the Board to conduct the candidate assessment. Within this recruitment process, as the Boards determine the selection methodology for appointing to consultant posts, the Assessment Panel is also to be determined by the recruiting Board to best support and facilitate the methodology chosen to assess the suitability of candidates. This assessment may include profiling, aptitude tests or multi-station interviews. The panel must include at least one consultant from the specialty. Where possible that consultant should be from the employing Board.

Depending on the nature of the post and the extent of any undergraduate teaching or training duties the Board may include University representation on the assessment panel and requests for University representatives should be submitted to the Dean.

While there is no set limit on the size of the panel, under the regulations it remains that the panel must include a Chair, with delegated authority from the Board, an External Adviser as outlined above and one other consultant from the specialty

Planning and Advertising a Consultant Post

When  recruiting to posts it is advised that the planning for a consultant appointment begins well before the post is to be filled. Consideration should be given to  service needs, the amount and level of training that may be required, teaching, supervision of junior staff, continuing professional development, research and any special interests and produce a draft job description and person specification which must be sent to the External Adviser for their advice and comment.

All potential applicants should have access to the  job description; the person specification; information from the board with details of arrangements for practice, e.g. units, clinics etc; details of staffing and relevant services covered; where appropriate, information about undergraduate or postgraduate medical/dental teaching; and the relevant TCS including pay. A Job Plan must also  be  available for the consideration of candidates for appointment to a consultant post.

We must ensure that we look  to advertise details of vacant posts widely which will  include the use of the NHS Scotland online job portal  ,  and where necessary  other online professional job portals and journals e.g. BMJ ( British Medical Journal ) .

Eligibility for appointment and specialist register

On successful completion of specialty training, doctors are awarded a certificate of completion of training (CCT), allowing them to practice across Europe as recognised ‘specialists’. The GMC recommends CCT holders for inclusion on the specialist register, which it administers. The specialist register includes the names of all CCT holders together with those of other eligible specialists, and shows their specialty and, if requested, any particular field of expertise within it. Eligible specialists are defined as:

  • European Economic Area nationals holding recognised specialist qualifications
  • Overseas nationals holding specialist qualifications that are deemed equivalent to the CCT
  • Doctors who have followed academic or research training paths, resulting in a level of knowledge and skill consistent with NHS consultant practice in that specialty.

From 1 January 1997 it has been a legal requirement for all doctors to be on the GMC’s specialist register before they can take up a consultant appointment.

In the case of consultant dental posts, individuals must be a registered dental practitioner or a fully registered medical practitioner. However, trainees may explore the possibility of post-CCT careers as soon as it is apparent that a CCT will be awarded in the near future. Consequently, SpRs and StRs are able to apply for a Consultant appointment provided the expected date of award of their CCT (or recognised equivalent, if outside the UK) falls no more than six months after the date of interview for the consultant post. The consultant assessment panel must also be satisfied that the applicant is sufficiently near to the completion of training to enable them to judge the applicant’s suitability for a consultant post.

Membership of the Assessment Panel

The assessment panel is convened by the appointing board to conduct the candidate assessment. This assessment may include profiling, aptitude tests or multi-station interviews.  The panel must include at least one consultant from the specialty. Where possible that consultant should be from the employing board. Depending on the nature of the post and the extent of any undergraduate teaching or training duties, the board may include university representation on the assessment panel. While there is no set limit on the size of the panel, under the regulations the panel must as a minimum include a Chair, with delegated authority from the Board, an External Adviser and one other consultant from the specialty.

External Adviser

The regulations require that a single External Adviser is included on the assessment panel for consultant appointments within the NHS in Scotland.  The role of the External Adviser is to advise the recruiting board on each stage in the process, including commenting and advising on the job description, person specification, the selection methodology and participating in the selection process.  This External Adviser is identified from the list of External Advisers maintained by the Academy of Royal Colleges and Faculties in Scotland, and must be external i.e. not employed by the recruiting board, and must be in the same specialty as the post being appointed to.  In rare instances of small specialties it may be necessary to seek an External Adviser from outside Scotland.

All newly appointed External Advisers undergo training before they are included on the adviser list, and if reappointed to the list again, should undergo refresher training.

This training is coordinated by NHS Education for Scotland and includes:

  • detailed training on equality and diversity issues;
  • refreshers on specialty training curricula and assessment methods used;
  • updates on selection methodology and tools that have been used successfully;
  • the option to shadow an External Adviser and observe the process, although it should be emphasised that observers will play no role in the recruitment process.

Under the regulations, recruiting boards will appoint a Chair for the assessment panel.  The Chair will hold delegated authority to offer the post on behalf of the board once the panel has considered the candidates.

Boards should draw up a policy on the use of visits as part of the employment process and communicate this policy to all applicants. Visits are intended to inform the applicant regarding the department and the requirements of the post.  Depending on the nature of the post the policy on visits should look to offer applicants an opportunity to visit the department and meet with key staff.  The option of a visit, and the timing of such a visit, should be determined by the board, and should be made available to all applicants at the same point in the recruitment process.

Once the assessment panel has made a decision on which candidate(s), if any, should be offered the post, the Chair and the Recruitment Service will then take responsibility for offering and contracting with successful candidates .

All members of the assessment panel hold equal responsibility for raising concerns at any stage within the recruitment process with the Chair.  In these instances, it is for the Chair to assess these concerns and to determine whether or not to proceed with the recruitment process.  If the decision is taken to proceed to appointment, the Chair should note the concerns raised and indicate the basis on which the decision to proceed was taken.  If the Chair decides not to proceed, this decision is reported back to the board, outlining the basis on which this decision was taken.  It is for the board to decide on next steps and whether to re-run the process.

For more information visit : 

This section provides links to documents and process will support you across all stages of the recruitment process.

Completing the application form and the Recruitment process

Completing the Application Form

Your application form will play a key part in deciding whether you will be shortlisted for interview. It is important that you take the time to read the advert and the job description/person specification for the post and complete the application form fully and as accurately as possible.

Applications are made online through the NHS Scotland job site. When you click the ‘Apply for job’ button on the advert, you will be asked to create an account using an email address or social media account. For returning candidates, you you can copy from a previous application or create a new one. If you prefer to copy, make sure that you go through each section to ensure that the information is complete and up-to-date.

The system will timeout after 30 minutes of inactivity so please save your application regularly. You can save your progress and come back later if you wish, just remember your password so you can log back in.

Please note:

  • Remember to review your application prior to submission as you will not be able to make changes once you submit the form.
  • Be accurate and honest on your application form as the information you provide will be verified at various stages of our recruitment and selection process .
  • Your email and contact telephone number must be correct as these will be used to contact you. The primary method of contact for all updates is via email.
  • Some recruitment may include initial screening questions to verify that you meet the requirements for the job e.g. UK Professional registration
  • Curriculum vitae (CVs) will NOT be accepted as part of the application process unless you are applying for a Medical Staffing (Doctor, Consultant etc) Position
  • The Job reference number is an important information to take note of as this is the unique ID of the post. This will allow us to identify which post is being referred to.
  • You should save an electronic copy of the advert, job description/person specification, and the candidate pack for future reference
  • On the Assessment section, you may find it helpful to prepare your answers in a separate document and copy and paste your answers into the online form. You will also be asked to provide your National insurance number on this section.
  • All adverts close at midnight on the closing date unless otherwise stated. Please submit your application as soon as possible. If any updates on the closing date occur, you will be contacted via email.
  • You can check the status of your application by checking your account online.
  • If you delete your application, you will not be able to re-apply.

Eligibility to Work in the UK

It is a criminal offence for any employer to hire a new employee whose immigration status prevents him or her from legally working in the UK in the post they have applied for. This applies also to all types of NHS employment, including part-time, temporary or bank posts. All applicants regardless of nationality will be asked to produce evidence of eligibility to work in the UK as part of the application process specifically at the interview and pre-employment checks stages.

Please complete the relevant sections as accurately as possible on the application form, providing the type of right to work in the UK (RTW UK) visa that you hold as well as the expiry date, if applicable.

Applications from job seekers who require a RTW will be considered alongside all other applications subject to meeting the essential criteria as detailed in the Job Description and Person Specification for the post. Before making your application, you should check the eligibility criteria for UK Visa and Immigration

Qualifications and Training Details

Please provide details of all relevant education, qualifications and training courses.

Specific requirements such as registration/membership details to a Professional Regulatory Bodies such as the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) or General Medical Council (GMC), must be provided if relevant to the vacancy

Employment information

For the Employment section, please start with your current/most recent employer and work back through your employment history. Please also include any part-time or temporary jobs, work placements, volunteering roles, or any career breaks


You must provide at least two (2) referees are required which must cover the past three (3) years and must include your present or most recent employer. We do not accept references from family members or friends.

If you are appointed to the post you have applied for, our Recruitment Team will contact your referees. Satisfactory references must be received  to an acceptable standard before any new NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde employee can start work for us.

Please ensure that you provide accurate contact details including an e-mail address for your referees and, most importantly, don’t forget to get their permission to be contacted by us.

Please refer to Disclosure Scotland’s website for further guidance and details on the two lists relating to spent convictions. 

Statement in Support of Your Application

Applicants who can demonstrate in their application that they possess the knowledge, skills, experience and abilities required for the job give themselves the best opportunity of being shortlisted and selected for interview.

You can use this section to provide evidence that you can meet each of the requirements in the job description/person specification, by giving specific examples of what you have done and how you believe you meet each requirement. Remember that the person reviewing your application form won’t be able to second guess your skills and experience unless you outline it.

A good tip is to use the selection criteria in job description/person specification as headings in the order that they have been listed, to make sure that you address them especially the ones under the Essential Criteria.


Before submitting your application, please make sure that you read this section as it will highlight any parts of the form which haven’t been completed and it also covers the following important information:

  • Criminal Convictions Declaration – NHS Scotland is exempt from the 1974 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exclusions & Exceptions) (Scotland) Order 2003.
  • Accuracy of Information – False or misleading information can causE disqualification of the application and dismissal from employment if appointed to the post.
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018 – Your data will be stored by Jobtrain and will be used only by NHSGGC authorised staff for the purpose of processing your job application, making recruitment decisions and for statistical and audit purposes. It will be retained, archived, and deleted in line with the NHS Scotland retention policy and will not be passed to any third party organisations without your permission

Equal Opportunities and Equality Monitoring

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde participates in 2 schemes aimed at supporting the employment and career development of disabled people :

Job Interview Guarantee (JIG) scheme: if a candidate declares a disability, and meets all the minimum/essential  criteria outlined within the Job description/Person specification for the post then they will be guaranteed an interview. 

Job Centre Plus Two Ticks symbol: the two ticks scheme is a recognition given to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde by Jobcentre Plus in meeting the five commitments regarding the employment, retention, training and career development of disabled employees. As a symbol user, an interview is guaranteed to any candidate with a disability whose application meets all of the minimum/essential criteria for the post.

NHSGGC is committed to applying and promoting best employment equality practice in it efforts to eliminate discrimination and create working environments where all our staff, patients, relatives, visitors and carers are treated fairly and with respect.

We always endeavour to not discriminate during any stage of the recruitment process and in particular comply with the Equality Act 2010 which makes it illegal to discriminate against protected characteristics i.e.  age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation. 

We are required to gather data for both applicants and employees to ensure that our policy on Equality and Diversity is effective and meets statutory requirements.   The Equal opportunities monitoring form is recorded separately from your application form and can only be accessed by the Recruitment team.   All recruitment documentation for unsuccessful applicants are confidentially destroyed after 12 months.

When completing the Equal Opportunities section of the online application form, you can use this section to inform us if you will require any special arrangements for the interview e.g. Wheelchair access, induction loop, etc

Criminal Convictions

  • Disclosure of Criminal Convictions 
  • Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Order 2013
  • The Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland Act ) 2007 The  1997 Police Act
  • Criminal Convictions – Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974

NHS Scotland is exempt from the 1974 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exclusions & Exceptions) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2015.  This means that unless stated in the job description, person specification or application pack, you must tell us about any previous unspent convictions along with only those spent convictions that relate to Disclosure Scotland’s  ‘Offences which must always be disclosed’ list. If you are offered employment, any failure to disclose such convictions could result in withdrawal of the offer of employment dismissal or disciplinary action.  Any information you give will be considered only in relation to the post for which the  application you submit refers to.

Information will be verified by Disclosure Scotland for relevant posts.

Please note, you are NOT REQUIRED to tell us about any previous spent convictions that relate to Disclosure Scotland’s ‘Offences which are disclosed subject to the rules’ list.

Recruitment stages

Shortlisting Stage

The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Selection panel (Panel), which includes as a minimum two (2) members of staff [one of which is always the hiring /line manager for the post] will decide who to select for interview on the basis of the job description/person specification.  These documents lists those qualities e.g. skills, knowledge, experience, qualifications etc, which are ‘essential’ i.e. which you must have to do the job, and those which are ‘desirable’ i.e. which will help somebody to perform the complete range of tasks in the job more readily.  It is important, therefore, that you work on your application to ensure it reflects the person specification, the job description and the recruitment advertisement.

At shortlisting stage, applications forms are anonymised and only the information about Education, Employment, and Supporting statement are accessible to the Panel. This helps ensure that the shortlisting is fair and consistent and is based on the candidate’s skills, knowledge, qualifications, and experience.

Once shortlisting is complete, invitations for interview are sent to the selected candidates by our Recruitment Team. 

Interview Stage

The interview format will depend on the post being recruited to, and can either be face-to-face or via MS Teams video. You will be requested to bring to the interview the originals of any relevant qualifications/certificates/awards that you hold and documents to verify your identification such as a photo identification.

In addition to a set of interview questions, candidates may be asked to deliver a presentation, sit a technical/skills test, or provide a response to a work based scenario. Candidates will be advised in advance of the interview what they will be expected to do on the day.

An interview panel is normally between 2-4 people depending on the post and will be more senior to the grade of the post being recruited to. It can also include panel members, external to NHSGGC, where appropriate to the post.

If you are invited to an interview you will receive an email requesting you to select a suitable date/time slot. If the interview is via MS Teams, you will also receive an email with the link to join.

Pre-Employment Checks

If you are invited for interview and are successful in being offered a job, after your interview you will receive via the Jobtrain system what is referred to as a Conditional Offer of Employment. At this stage you are the Preferred Candidate. Please note

you should not hand in your notice to your current employer at this stage.

The standard pre-employment checks cover the following aspects:

  • A 2nd Stage Application Declaration
  • An Identity Check Document verification appointment, in person, at the NHSGGC Recruitment Department. This will also include a Right to Work in the UK check. Our Recruitment team will advise on the arrangements for this stage.
  • Qualifications & Professional Registration/Membership of NHS Regulatory Bodies check if applicable
  • Reference Checks
  • Occupational Health Check
  • Driving licence, only if required for the purpose of carrying out the duties of the job
  • Where applicable to the post, successful applicants will be subject to Disclosure Scotland’s Protection of Vulnerable Group (PVG) Scheme membership /Standard Disclosure checks to check their criminal convictions history and to ensure that they are not included on Barred Lists which prohibits them from  working  with vulnerable adults and children.
Application Stage FAQs
Where can I find a list of your vacancies?

Visit the NHS Scotland job portal or visit the NHSGGC Recruitment homepage.

You can sign-up for job alerts for roles that you are interested in.

How Often do you update your vacancies?

A new list of posts opens every Friday.

How can I apply for your jobs?

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operates an Online Application Form system.  You can apply directly for the vacancy of your choice on the NHS Scotland Jobs Website.

I have a CV why do I still need to complete an application form?

The application process is anonymous and decisions to shortlist candidates for interview are made ONLY on the contents of your application form.

If you do not provide all the information requested on the application form, it will not be evident that you meet the criteria listed in the job description and you will not be shortlisted for interview.

Please ensure that you read the job description carefully, complete all applicable sections of the application and ensure that your statement in support of your application clearly demonstrates how you meet the requirements of the post.

Please note Curriculum Vitae will NOT be accepted as part of the application process unless you are applying for a Medical Staffing (Doctor, Consultant etc) Position.

Can I still apply after the closing date?

Once the closing date has passed you cannot apply for a post. Applications must submitted by midnight on the closing date.

For any post closing earlier than midnight, the submission time will be clearly displayed in the advert on the SHOW site.

We highly recommend that you submit your application as soon as possible as some posts might close earlier than scheduled if it has received a high volume of response.

What do I do if I experience any difficulties submitting the application?

For any login issues or problems submitting applications, please contact the Jobtrain Jobseeker support hub in the first instance:

(online) Submit a ticket : Jobseeker Support Hub ( or

(phone) (+44)0161-850-2004 Monday-Friday 09:00-17:30 UK local time

How will I know you have received my application form?

You will receive notification from the NHS Scotland Jobs Website once your application has been successfully submitted. 

When will I find our if i have been shortlisted for an interview?

All our posts are shortlisted within six weeks of the closing date. If you have not been contacted after six weeks it is unlikely that you have been shortlisted.

How do I find out if I have been shortlisted for an interview?

We will contact you via email with the invite to book your interview slot as well as any important information i.e. MS Teams video link, documents to bring etc

If I have not been shortlisted for an interview can you tell me why?

Yes. If you have not received an invitation to interview after 6 weeks from the closing, please email the Recruitment Team at quoting the job reference number and someone will contact you.

Interview Stage FAQs
I have not received an invitation to interview

If you have not received an invitation to interview by 6 weeks from the closing date of the post you have applied for, you should assume your application has been unsuccessful.

How should I prepare for my interview?

We understand that interviews can be a stressful experience for candidates but a little advance preparation will ensure you perform to the best of your ability on the day.

  • Take note of the details of your interview- Video or face-to-face, location, date, time etc. Do you have the link to the video interview and does it work on your equipment? Do you know how to contact the Panel in case your are having technical issues or running late?
  • Ensure that you have assembled all the documentation (see question 4 below) that you have been asked to bring to interview
  • You can visit the NHSGGC website for more general information about NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and search for specific information about the department that you have applied to work with.
  • Take the time to re-read your job description and how you will meet the requirements of the role. 
  • Prepare examples from your experience and practice your answers. For competency-based questions, it will help if you structure your answer using STAR (Situation/Task(goal), Action taken, Result)
  • Give yourself plenty of time to arrive or be set-up (video interview)
What should I expect?

Interview techniques will vary but as a standard you should expect to be asked questions on the following;

  • Confirmation of your identity and to produce supporting documentation
  • Confirmation of you Right to Work in the UK and Supporting documentation
  • Questions to test your ability to meet the requirements of the role based on the job description
  • Questions to confirm how you meet the minimum essential and other criteria specified in the job description
  • General questions based on the content of your application form. 
What do I need to bring to the interview?

We are required to verify the Identity and Right to Work in the UK of all our applicants regardless of nationality.

It is essential that you bring confirmation of your identity, your Right to Work in the UK, evidence of qualifications if required by the job description and any professional registration/membership if required by the job description to interview.  

I have been told I am the “Preferred Candidate” – What happens next?

Please keep reading below to view the Preferred Candidate FAQs.

I have been unsuccessful following the interview. Can I receive Feedback?

Yes. You can contact the Panel member named in your correspondence or you can email the Recruitment Team at, quoting the job reference number.

Preferred Candidate FAQs
I have been told I am the “Preferred Candidate” – What happens next?

All our offers are subject to satisfactory Pre-employment checks noted above under Recruitment stages- Pre-employment checks section above.

You will receive a Preferred Candidate Email after you have received the verbal offer from the Hiring manager, outlining the next steps.

Pre-employment checks take time and cannot start and be completed without your participation 

If you are external to NHS GGC or if it is required for the post, you will receive an electronic link to your Occupational health questionnaire. Please complete this asap as the link expires after a couple of days. Completed forms are forwarded to the NHS GGC Occupational health team for processing. They might get in touch if they require more information.

Please contact your referees to advise them that we will be contacting them and request the prompt return of your reference.

Please do not hand in your notice until all your pre-employment checks are cleared.

Posts that require PVG Scheme Membership or Disclosure Scotland Check
  • If required for your post, a PVG checks needs to be conducted. If you already hold a PVG Scheme membership, please ensure that you notify us, together with the type of membership that you hold i.e. for adults, for children, or for both.
  • PVG forms are sent electronically via an email link from Recruitment. Please complete this form as soon as possible. Completed forms are forwarded automatically to Disclosure Scotland for processing.
How long will the process take as my current manager is looking for an indication of when I will be handing my notice in?  

This will depend on you completing and returning the appropriate paperwork required and the relevant appointments. How quick your reference forms come back will also come into play as well as how proactive the Hiring manager is in completing the outstanding actions on the system. For example, reviewing the checks, updating the online forms with reporting details etc

When should I hand in my notice in current employment?

When your new manager approves the pre-employment checks, they will phone you to agree a start date. You can now hand in your notice with this verbal confirmation which recruitment will follow up in writing.

Any queries that you might have regarding the role, please speak to the Hiring manager in the first instance.

I am internal and have shown ID at my interview, do I require to send further copies?

For interview purposes the panel require to confirm you are the person they are interviewing, for audit purposes we require a copy for your personal file.

Contact Us

Our office hours are 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.

You can contact us by email at or Call 0141 278 2700 (please listen to all the options and select the appropriate line)

Our Address is:

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Recruitment Service
West Glasgow ACH
2nd Floor
Dalnair Street
G3 8SJ

This section provides links to documents and information on the process outlining the key steps in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s (NHSGGC) recruitment and selection process. It is for all staff who are responsible and involved in the recruitment and selection of staff across NHSGGC. Below are important guidance, tips, and tools to ensure that the recruitment activity is as effective as possible.

Step 1 Submitting a request to advertise

Your vacancy will be advertised on receipt of the following:

  • Fully completed and approved NHS GGC Vacancy Request Form (VRF). The completion and authorisation guide can be found here: Managers Guidance. The VRF must include the Advert text (including closing date and any specified instructions e.g. date of interviews )
  • Job Description (.DOC or .DOCX format)
  • Person Specification (not required for Medical Posts)
  • Any other documents to be included in the Candidate Information Pack 

Submit your documentation to

On receipt of your vacancy request, Recruitment will start processing your request. Requests are processed on a first come-first served basis.

Important information

Local Vacancy Approval/Authorisations processes/arrangements may exist in different services e.g. General Manager, Head of Service/Sector/Directorate Directors/Chief Officers/Chiefs of Medicine may wish to approve the post first – find out what is in place for your service/department otherwise this could delay getting the recruitment process started.

The Job Description describes the objective and purpose of the job in a clear manner but also outlines the key tasks and duties of the post. It provides the job applicant information on what the job involves, what they would be doing, and where the job sits in the organisational structure of the department or service.

The Person Specification (not required for medical posts) details what knowledge and skills, personal qualities and additional requirements are required to do the job and to what standard. When compiling the job specification, the hiring manager should specify which aspects of the criteria are essential or desirable. This will help at the shortlisting and interview stage to support which candidates are selected.

The Hiring Manager must ensure that the Job Description is in the correct format, is up to date, reflective of the needs of the service/department, that the criteria for selection are objective, measurable, job related, clearly defined and justifiable. Person Specifications must be drawn up using the template and guidance provided.

The Applicant tracking system that NHS Scotland uses is Jobtrain. Specifically for Agenda for Change (AFC) posts, all selection activities are processed and recorded on this system and is primarily facilitated by completing relevant electronic forms and updating the candidate application status. If you do not have an account yet, please contact Recruitment.

Additional information can be accessed regarding Job Evaluation

Step 2 Advertising

Content of the Advert

We should maximise the opportunity to attract and recruit the very best candidates available in the job market.

All adverts  should  contain  a summary  of the  role being  advertised, information  about  the minimum skills needed for the  role, grade specific entry requirements, necessary membership of professional bodies, and  information about the  department. Additional information is also useful, such as the  team  structure, the  support that they will have, educational opportunities, and what support will they be required to give. 

If the  information  in the  advert  is  correct, applicants  will  know  by  reading the advert  whether  they  have the  skills and qualifications  to apply  for the  position.


All posts are advertised on the NHS Scotland Vacancy site. Our standard advert time is 2 weeks but this can be amended for high response positions or for professional journals with monthly publications.

Step 3 Selection Process – Shortlisting and Interview

Selecting your Candidate

This is the most crucial stage of the recruitment process. As the hiring or line manager for the post, your aim is to ensure that the most appropriate selection methods are used to enable the best candidate for your job to be identified. 

We need to ensure our selection processes encourage diversity and comply with best practice and appropriate NHSGGC policies and employment legislation.

Recruitment process key tips 

Shortlisting your applications

Shortlisting includes updating the Shortlisting form with the comments and scores, updating the candidate status as per the outcome, as well as updating the Calendar event template for the interview. This are all done on Jobtrain.

Medical & Dental posts:  the shortlisting information will be forwarded via email to the interview panel members. When shortlisting it is essential that prospective candidates meet the minimum entry requirements and hold the appropriate specialist registration for the post.

For all posts, candidates must be shortlisted, objectively and consistently, against the essential and desirable criteria outlined in the Job Description/Person Specification/ for the post.

It is the hiring manager’s responsibility to ensure that those involved in the shortlisting and interviewing process are aware of their responsibilities and have the appropriate level of competence to participate in recruitment and selection activity.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde participates in 2 schemes aimed at supporting the employment and career development of disabled people :

  • Disability Confident scheme
  • NHS Scotland‘s Job Interview Guarantee (JIG) scheme.

What is Disability Confident?

Disability Confident is a government scheme that promotes the benefits to businesses of recruiting and retaining people with disabilities. The scheme offers advice and support to employers, enabling them to actively seek, hire and retain disabled people. Organisations’ complete a Disability Confident self-assessment, agree to undertake all of the core actions to be a Disability employer, and offer at least one activity to attract and retain disabled staff.

In February 2017, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (NHSGGC) became accredited as a Disability Confident Employer under the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) Disability Confident Scheme.

The Disability Confident accreditation means that, as an employer, the Board is proactive in ways to recruit disabled people, and also have mechanisms in place ensuring that people with disabilities and long term health conditions feel supported, engaged and able to fulfil their potential in the workplace.

What is the NHS Scotland Job Interview Guarantee Scheme?

NHS Scotland operates a Job Interview Guarantee (JIG) scheme, which means that if a candidate declares a disability, and meets all the essential criteria outlined within the Person Specification for the post, then they will be guaranteed an interview. 

Interviewing your candidates  

Evidence shows that effective recruitment decisions are more likely when a range of selection methods are used in addition to interview questions. Evidence about a persons suitability for a post can also be gathered by including for example presentations, ability testing, work based scenarios etc.  Guidance on what you can include in the selection process can be obtained by contacting the Recruitment Service.

The Recruitment Service will be responsible for sending out the invitation to interview to shortlisted candidates.

It is good practice to give candidates invited to for interview at least 10 calendar days prior to the interview date.

An Interview Panel should consist of a minimum two (2) people.  Some posts may also include external panellists who provide an expert opinion on a particular job function or aspect of a role. Often, external panel members may be drawn from other NHS Scotland health boards or universities.  Typically for specialists or senior posts, there maybe 4 to 5 panel members. 

It is good practice to agree in advance a range of questions to ascertain if the individual has the knowledge, skills, and competencies outlined within the Job Description/Person Specification. The interview process must structured to ensure that all the necessary information is obtained during the interview.

The hiring manager must ensure that members of the interview panel are competent in recruitment and selection and the panel members are aware of their responsibilities in regards to the Equality Act (2010).

Reasonable Adjustment Guidance and using Structured Interviews to Test for Caring Behaviours in the Recruitment Process

The Reasonable Adjustment Guidance was developed in partnership and with the input of members of the Staff Disability Forum to ensure that the lived experience of staff with disabilities has informed this guide. It was was created so that people managers can provide support and foster a culture of inclusion and equity for all current and potential NHSGGC staff.

Job applicants can ask for reasonable adjustments for any part of the recruitment process. A job applicant might be a person with a disability, may be neurodivergent, or have a health condition which they believe may affect their performance during the recruitment and selection process.

A key theme of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Quality Strategy is that Person Centred Care is delivered with compassion, dignity, and respect. In addition to ensuring candidates meet the essential requirements of the post in regards Clinical /Technical competencies, qualifications, training, experience, and skills, you should also ensure that candidates demonstrate evidence of applying the Caring Behaviours expected in our workplace whether in a clinical or non-clinical role. Follow this link to access the guidance Caring Behaviour Structure Interview Guidance

Key tips on interviews

  • Ensure that you read the relevant guidance documents noted above
  • Make sure the panel is introduced to the candidate
  • Let the candidate know what the interview flow will be and that notes will be taken
  • Use open questions –how, who, what, and remember to probe if the answers are not providing the evidence you need
  • Remember to check any gaps in employment history
  • Ensure all candidates are asked the same core questions
  • Let the candidate know at the end of the interview what will happen next and when they are likely to know the outcome
  • Remember to keep notes           
  • When choosing your interview venue, to give consideration to accessibility of the location
  • The interview panel should meet at least 30 minutes before the first interview to go over the schedule for the day, who will meet and greet candidates, allocation of questions, and sequence of tabling questions to the candidates.

At the interview event, the hiring manager or a nominated member of the interview panel is responsible for checking documentation that confirms the candidate’s identity.  This ensures that the right candidate is being interviewed against the application which was submitted for the post. Professional Registrations and Qualification Certificates should also be verified at the interview.

The hiring manager must ensure that there is a clear and fair way of selecting the successful candidate that is based on objective criteria directly related to the post being recruited to. All interviewers must keep adequate notes to ensure that a fair comparison can be made between candidates and that reasons are provided to justify a decision of appointment or non-appointment. Notes taken should avoid inappropriate references to the candidate’s appearance, sex, age, disability, religion or race, etc. These notes must be recorded on the NHS Interview assessment template which you can download via your Jobtrain account.

UK Immigration rules

All our vacancies are open to all candidates who meet the relevant criteria and we will not shortlist or make decisions about candidates’ suitability based on their nationality. However, we are obliged to carry out checks and assure ourselves that the candidates appointed are legally entitled to work in the UK before we can confirm an offer of employment.

If you wish to offer a post to candidate who is subject to an immigration control, you will need to ensure that the appointment meets the requirements of the UK Immigration rules.

Please contact a member of the Recruitment Service team if you wish to get further guidance. More information are available on the UK Visas and Immigration website.

Step 4 Conditional Offers of Appointment

Selecting the Preferred Candidate

The interview panel should select the preferred candidate based on the information received during the selection process based solely on the candidate’s suitability for the post when compared with the Job Description/Person Specification.

Interview Panel Members are required to score the candidates across each of the assessment categories covered at the interview using the interview assessment form and include any other assessment activity incorporated into the selection process. 

Key point: The interview panel should agree a minimum acceptable score for appointment.  Aim to employ the “best” and not settle for “best on the day”.

If more than 1 candidate achieves the same score the panel should:

  • review the questions to confirm if they have been fully answered
  • consider whether all the areas on the person specification have been covered
  • review if all essential and desirable criteria have been considered
  • take into account any other relevant skill sets or qualities outlined in the person specification/job description

If necessary, the panel should recall the candidates for a second interview or an assessment exercise e.g. scenario or skills test to identify the appointable candidate.

Once the selection decision is complete, a designated panel member normally the hiring manager should call the candidates to advise them of the outcome. This should take place at the earliest opportunity after the interview but no later than 48 hours. Candidates should be offered feedback on their performance.

When verbally making a conditional offer for the post, the hiring manager will outline the main aspects of the offer which will include pay scale, working hours, shift pattern and location etc . The hiring manager must ensure that the Preferred Candidate (successful applicant) is made fully aware of the conditions of the offer, .i.e. it is subject to satisfactory completion of NHSGGC pre-employment checks.

Candidates should be advised not to submit their notice until all pre-employment checks are complete.

It is important that the information confirmed to the candidate is correct and in line with the terms of conditions and NHS GGC policies. Starting salary under Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions (for Medical and Dental posts and some Senior Manager/Director/Executive posts separate pay grades/scales will apply).

If queries arise which require the hiring manager to seek clarification or guidance, then they should contact the Recruitment service or their nominated Human Resources representative.

Reserve Candidates

Where more than one candidate meets the selection criteria, the interview panel may decide to list the second/third choice candidates (providing they have met the minimum appointable threshold) as reserve candidates.

If the first choice candidate declines the offer of employment, the second candidate may be offered the position and so on.

Reserves can be held for no more than 6 months from the date of interview. If there is the requirement to fill the same post during that period, then consideration can be given to the reserve candidate (s) without having to repeat the recruitment process.

No candidates suitable for appointment

If none of the candidates interviewed meet the acceptable level to be appointed, there is no obligation to select a preferred candidate and the post may be re-advertised.  Prior to submitting for re-advertisement to the Vacancies team, the Hiring Manager should discuss with the selection panel if the person specification, job description and advert must be reviewed.

Pre-employment checks

For AFC posts, once all the candidates have been contacted, the hiring manager should make the necessary updates on Jobtrain which will include the details of the offer made etc. Recruitment will then commence the pre-employment checks and will send out all the relevant recruitment documentation to the successful candidate to get the offer process started as quickly as possible.

All NHS GGC offers of employment are made on a conditional basis subject to the completion of the pre-employment screening checks.

An Unconditional Offer of Employment will only be issued once all the appropriate Pre-Employment checks have been verified by the Recruitment service and signed off by the hiring or line manager for the post.

Pre-employment checks can include:

  • Verification of identity
  • Confirmation of Right to Work in the UK 
  • Satisfactory References
  • Satisfactory Disclosure Scotland check – PVG Scheme Membership / Police Act Disclosure
  • Certificate of good standing for those applying from oversees (required where a candidate has worked out with the UK for 12 months within the last 5 years)
  • Professional Registration and Qualification check
  • Employment History
  • Occupational Health clearance
  • Fitness to Practice
  • Verification of Driving Licence (only where applicable)

These checks are either required by law or are NHS GGC/NHS Scotland policy.   If a candidate is already working in NHS GGC, specific checks are expedited.

Starting a member of staff prior to the checks being approved could potentially put the safety of our patients and staff at risk and will not be permitted in any circumstance.

For further guidance on pre-employment checks, please contact a member of the Recruitment service.

Withdrawing an Offer

If, after careful consideration of pre-employment checks, it is decided to withdraw the conditional offer of employment, the Hiring Manager must consultat with their own Line Manager, an HR representative, and the Recruitment Service.  If the withdrawal of the conditional offer is to proceed, the grounds/reasons for withdrawal must be made very clear to the candidate e.g. due to unsatisfactory references or other pre employment checks, by the Hiring manager.  Recruitment will issue a communication to the candidate via Jobtrain to conclude the recruitment process.

Please note that we recommend that you discuss at interview your expectation of references with candidates to ensure that you have outlined what you consider a satisfactory and unsatisfactory reference to be. 

Step 5 Finalising the Offer of Employment and starting your new staff member

Unconditional (Final) Offer, Contract & Induction

Once all pre-employment checks have been satisfactorily completed, regardless of the tenure of the post, a final offer of employment known as an Unconditional Offer can now be made.

For AFC posts, the hiring manager is responsible for reviewing all the pre-employment checks including the references to confirm if they are satisfactory. They must then contact the candidate to agree a start date and once a date is finalised, the New starter/Offer form on Jobtrain must be updated in order for Recruitment to issue the Unconditional offer letter/Contract of Employment.

Statutory and mandatory training (LearnPro) 

New employees must complete the statutory and mandatory training prior to commencement. The Hiring/Line manager (H/LM) has a vital role in supporting compliance by completing this LearnPro Account Creation Form.

The LM will be responsible for facilitating an appropriate induction programme for their new member of staff especially if this requires booking them onto any mandatory training events, etc. A number of administrative elements of starting a new member of staff includes:

  • NHS GGC email and IT access to appropriate system and training (eHelp)
  • Ordering any equipment (such as mobile phone, blackberry or laptop) and ensuring  necessary office equipment (including PC and landline) is available
  • Ordering equipment/materials identified by Occupational Health as necessary for the appointee
  • Uniform if applicable
  • ID Badges/Security fobs

Keep in touch with the new member off staff prior to their start date and don’t forget to arrange a welcome meeting, including introducing them to key contacts in your service.

NHS Staff Engagement Form and Payroll procedures

The Staff Engagement Form (SEF) is downloadable under eESS on the HR Portal. The Line Manager is responsible for completing the appropriate sections of the form, together with the info and documents provided by the new starter, and submitting it to the eESS Support Team, via the HR portal as well. This facilitates the creation of the employee record which is sent to payroll. It is important that the SEF is completed promptly (ideally on their first working day, but always within seven days) to make sure that the new employee is paid correctly and on time.

For Medical and Dental staff, all new recruits will attend the Recruitment Office to have a SEF completed.

Existing NHSGGC Employees

An important point to note is where an existing NHSGGC Employee is changing post within the Board. They should receive induction, and where appropriate mandatory training as outlined above. It is the responsibility of their existing line manager to complete a Notification of Change form and submit it to NHSGGC Payroll service.

For Medical & Dental posts, a Notification of Change Form will be completed by Recruitment Services.

Employee Record File (Personnel File)

For AFC posts, Recruitment, once all the pre-employment checks are complete and before issuing the Contract of employment, will send you the Employee record file for your new member of staff. The communication will include all the pre-employment checks documentation which must be reviewed to ensure the all checks are satisfactorily completed and the relevant documentation provided.   The Hiring manager must either download a copy of the contract on Jobtrain once it has been issued or ask the new employee to bring a copy of their contract so that it can be added on file.

The Employee record File should be kept securely by the new member of staff‘s Line Manager. 

If at some stage in the future your new member of staff  moves to another job within NHSGGC  then their Employee record File should be forwarded to their new line manager.

Induction and Training

You must ensure your new member of staff completes the NHSGGC On Line Induction.  You can access the Induction portal by clicking this link Induction Portal – NHSGGC or via the Learning and Education pages on HR Connect.

The NHSGGC Induction Portal has been designed to:

  • support line managers/ team leaders induct their new  members of staff to their new workplace.
  • bring together all relevant resources including forms, policies and guidance  to help your member of staff understand NHSGGC as an organisation 
  • If your new member of staff is a people manager, supervisor or team leader, please discuss with them their people management responsibilities and direct them to complete the Managers and Supervisors Induction Pathway (within Step 6 of the Induction Steps – Professional and Role Specific Induction). Further information is available on the NHSGGC Induction Portal.

Managers should use the portal to help plan the induction process.

It is important that the induction is completed as early as possible and should be no later than 3 months of your new member of staff joining your service /department. This is because as well as being critical to ensure your new member of staff is supported when they start their new job, the induction is part of the Organisational Performance Review and performance is reported on a monthly to our Directors 

In addition, it is very important that during the induction process, accurate information is kept and held securely in Employee Record files. You should also complete the online induction form (refer to step 5 in the induction portal guidance) when induction has been completed. This enables the Learning and Education service to update the employee record and report results to Directors.

Manager Support

As an additional support to the resources outlined within the Induction Portal, a tutor led course is offered to managers and supervisors who are responsible for leading induction locally and supporting new colleagues, particularly those colleagues in a HCSW role. Details are noted here Induction Training

Recruitment and Onboarding support

If you have questions or need support on any aspect of the information noted above, please contact

Recruitment (inc Jobtrain, Hiring manager guide and training): via the relevant mailbox or by calling 0141 278 2700 and select option 1

eESS: eESS on the HR Self service portal

IT: eHelp (NHSGGC Favourites folder)

Learning and Education: L&E on the HR Self service portal

Step 6 Reporting instructions and line manager actions

All new employees are instructed to present on their first day, the following documents as part of their initial induction:

  • P45 or if unable to provide a current P45 OR HMRC Starter Checklist form 
  • Bank details and National insurance number

As the Hiring Manager, it is essential that your retain a copy of the contract of employment, either by downloading a copy from Jobtrain or by asking the new employee to provide a signed copy, which should be retained in their employee file.

Staff continued checks

  • Right to work in the UK- if a candidate is subject to immigration control, the Line manager must have a note of the important details and dates regarding their visa which would have been shared by Recruitment. Appropriate checks and referral must be taken in a timely manner if any due date is impending. For any changes or updates, please contact the Recruitment team.
  • Professional Registration –where the new employee requires professional registration with a professional body e.g. General Medical Council, Nursing and Midwifery Council, the Health and Care Professions Council or the Royal Pharmaceutical Society etc  then you must once again confirm that your new employee ‘s professional registration is up to date and  there are no new conditions of practice  since the pre-employment checks were carried out. Note should be taken when it should be renewed for ongoing monitoring.
  • PVG/Disclosure Check – where PVG Membership or Disclosure Scotland Screening is required for the role you should confirm that your new employee‘s status Disclosure remains unchanged and there are no new convictions, cautions or warnings to declare since the pre employment checks were carried out and the certificate issued.
Recruiting with convictions


Employers will no longer receive information on some ‘spent’ convictions. A new category of conviction has been introduced –protected conviction. The NHS Scotland Application Form has been amended to accommodate the changes. There is no change in a requirement to perform a PVG or Police Disclosure Check. Hiring managers can continue to discuss conviction details for unspent convictions and spent convictions listed on Schedule A1.

The purpose of this briefing is to provide guidance to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) hiring managers on reforms to the disclosure of criminal records and how these reforms will affect the disclosure of certain categories of criminal convictions during the recruitment process.

The legislative changes have been made by Disclosure Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Government to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, and NHSGGC Hiring Managers are asked to note the following changes with immediate effect:

Spent Convictions

A spent conviction is a criminal conviction that under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 can be treated as ‘spent’ – ignored or forgotten – after a certain length of time.

As most posts in the NHS were exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 prior to the legislative changes, we were legally entitled to ask applicants to disclose all convictions regardless of whether they were spent or not.  

The changes now mean NHS Boards may no longer be entitled to be made aware of any ‘spent’ conviction information, which prior to the new rules would have been provided by job applicants and on a Disclosure certificate.

Following the rehabilitation period of a conviction (outlined in appendix 3) a conviction becomes ‘spent’.  Although the conviction has become ‘spent’, the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act dictates that some conviction information should remain on a Disclosure Scotland PVG scheme membership or Police Act Disclosure due to the seriousness nature of the offence. 

These ‘serious’ offences are listed in Schedule A1 and Schedule B1:

  • Schedule A1 is a list of offences which must always be disclosed
  • Schedule B1 is a list of offences which are to be disclosed subject to rules

Rehabilitated offenders with a ‘spent’ conviction listed on Schedule B1 can apply to a Sheriff to have their spent conviction removed after a period of time:

  • 15 years, if they were 18 or over at the date of conviction
  • 7 years and 6 months, if they were under 18 at the date of conviction

Protected Convictions

A new category of conviction has now been introduced known as a ‘protected conviction’. A person’s conviction is a protected conviction if:

  • It is a spent conviction; and
  • It is not a conviction listed in Schedule A1 or B1.

As protected convictions are categorised as a ‘less serious’ conviction, these convictions are no longer required to be shown on Disclosure certificates.

NHS Scotland Application Form

Candidates will be prompted to declare their convictions following the conditional offer of employment via Jobtrain.

This means that under the new rules, the application process for a job will no longer require individuals to disclose ‘spent’ convictions.

The changes also impact on what information is released on a Disclosure certificate relating to either the PVG Scheme membership or a Police Act Disclosure.  The certificate issued by Disclosure Scotland will no longer contain all spent convictions (the certificate will not contain protected convictions).

NHS Boards are also no longer entitled to ask candidates at recruitment application stage, about ‘spent’ convictions.

Whilst these changes to the existing arrangements are now in place there is no change to our current requirement to carry out criminal record checks as part of the pre-employment checks for candidates offered a post within NHSGGC.

For posts not requiring a Disclosure Scotland PVG scheme membership – a separate Criminal Conviction Declaration Form has now been introduced and given to preferred candidates for whom a PVG membership or Police Act Disclosure is not required.  This will capture any relevant and disclosable criminal convictions in line with the new legislation that would previously have been declared on the application form.

Scottish Ministers want to strike a balance between protection of the public and vulnerable groups and the rights of individuals not to have to disclose routinely certain ‘spent’ convictions. Public protection still remains at the forefront of the system of PVG Records and Police Act Disclosures by ensuring certain very serious spent convictions and other categories of conviction deemed appropriate will always be disclosed.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Can I ask the applicant about their criminal history?

You can ask an applicant about their criminal history, however, legally the applicant has the right to only tell you about any unspent convictions or spent convictions which are not protected.

What if the candidate discloses information about a protected conviction?

It is encouraging that the applicant is being open and honest during the recruitment stage, however you must not make any decision based on the information they have disclosed to you.  Making decisions based on a protected conviction will be contravening the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.

Will NHSGGC still perform a PVG / Disclosure check?

These changes do not affect the requirement to perform a PVG / Disclosure check.  The Recruitment Service will continue to carry out this essential pre-employment check prior to any unconditional offer of employment.

Will NHSGGC be receiving less criminal history about their prospective employees?

All orgaisations in Scotland that use the PVG membership scheme or those that request Police Disclosure Act will receive relevant criminal history information, as dictated in the following Acts:

  • the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
  • the Police Act 1997
  • the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland ) Act 2007

The primary change that has come into effect is the removal of some ‘spent’ convictions – these convictions are now referred to as ‘protected convictions’ and will not be disclosed to an employer.

Why did the application form need to change?

To minimise the risk of an applicant disclosing spent conviction information, it was agreed by the NHS Scotland HR Directors group (with legal input from NHS Scotland’s Central Legal Office) that the national application form must be amended to accommodate the changes to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. 

What categories of staff does this affect?

The legislative changes outlined in this document are applicable to all NHS Scotland health boards as well as all public and private sector employers in Scotland. These changes have been implemented with immediate effect and are applicable to all posts, paid and voluntary.  This includes: substantive, fixed term, temporary, bank, modern apprenticeships, honorary appointments etc.

The role does not require PVG scheme membership or Police Act Disclosure; will NHSGGC still obtain criminal history information?

As part of their pre-employment checks, preferred candidates that do not require PVG scheme membership or a Police Act Disclosure will be asked to complete a Criminal Conviction Declaration Form. This will capture any relevant and disclosable criminal convictions in line with the new legislation that would previously have been declared on the application form.

Where can I obtain further information or clarification about these changes?

In the first instance, please contact the Recruitment Service on 0141 278 2700 or email

Examples of conviction scenarios

Scenario 1

A person is convicted of fraud and receives a conditional discharge.  The offence occurred 3 months ago.

The rehabilitation period for a conditional discharge is 1 year.  Therefore this conviction is unspent and will appear on a PVG scheme membership or Police Act Disclosure.

Scenario 2

A person was convicted of rape and received a 4 year prison sentence.  The offence occurred 12 years ago.

The rehabilitation period for a sentence of imprisonment (over 6 months) is 10 years.  Therefore this conviction is spent.  However, as the offence is listed in Schedule B1, it will appear as a spent conviction on a PVG scheme membership or Police Act Disclosure.

Scenario 3

A person was convicted of torture and received a 5 year prison sentence.  The offence occurred 33 years ago.

The rehabilitation period for a sentence of imprisonment (over 6 months) is 10 years.  Therefore this conviction is spent.  However, as the offence is listed in Schedule A1, it will appear as a spent conviction on a PVG scheme membership or Police Act Disclosure.

Scenario 4

A person was convicted of affray and received a fine.  The offence occurred 18 years ago.

The rehabilitation period for a fine is 5 years.  Therefore this conviction is spent.  The applicant has applied to a Sherriff to have their spent conviction removed (as the conviction is listed in Schedule B1) and it was agreed that the conviction is now protected.  Therefore the conviction will not appear on a PVG scheme membership or Police Act Disclosure.

Scenario 5

A minor was convicted of theft and received a fine.  The offence occurred 4 years ago when the minor was 14 years old.

The rehabilitation period for a fine (for a minor) is 2½ years.  Therefore this conviction is spent.  The applicant has applied to a Sherriff to have their spent conviction removed (as the conviction is listed in Schedule B1).  The Sherriff has denied the request, as a spent conviction (listed on Schedule B1) can and only become protected after 7½ years from when the minor was convicted.  Therefore the conviction will appear on a PVG scheme membership or Police Act Disclosure.

Contact Us

Our office hours are 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.

You can contact us by email at or call 0845 3000 831 (calls costs up to 8pence per minute, plus your phone company’s access charge per minute)

Our Address is:

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Recruitment Service
West Glasgow ACH
2nd Floor
Dalnair Street
G3 8SJ


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Recruitment Process Guidance for Hiring Managers and Staff

This section provides links to documents and process which will enable managers recruiting staff to attract in a safe and efficient way in accordance with best practice and provide information and guidance to staff applying for positions within NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde.

These links will open new pages within this website and includes step by step guides, FAQ’s and documents to view and download.