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Policies and Guidance

When your Lead Employer is NHSGGC and you are on placement within the West Region the following policies, procedures and guidelines below will apply.

For copies of placement board policies please contact your placement board. If you are on placement in Greater Glasgow and Clyde please refer to HR Connect. 

If you are on placement within the West Region and are a GPST, Occupational Health, Public Health, or National Programme Trainee you should refer to the NES HR Policies & Procedures

Policy, Proceedures and Guidelines

  1. Attendance Policy: NHS Scotland Workforce Policy 
  2. Grievance Policy: NHS Scotland Workforce Policy
  3. Relocation and Removal Policy: NHSGGC
  4. Management of Doctors in Difficulty (Capability): NHS Education for Scotland*
  5. Recruitment and Selection: Scottish Medical Training
  6. Locum Appointments for Training (LAT) Policy: National Policy – Scotland Deanery
  7. Bullying and Harassment Policy: NHS Scotland Workforce Policy
  8. Conduct Policy: NHS Scotland Workforce Policy
  9. Alcohol & Substance Policy: NHSGGC
  10. Fixed Term Contracts Policy: NHSGGC
  11. Junior Doctors Banding Appeals Process: National Guidance
  12. Work Life Balance Policies and Guidance: NHSGGC*
  13. Maternity Leave Policy: NHSGGC*
  14. Adoption & Fostering Leave Policy