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The KSF Personal Development Planning and Review Process is an integral part of the wide range of organisational and operational support mechanisms in place for staff throughout their career with NHSGGC.  


On commencing with NHSGGC, when changing roles or when returning from an extended period of absence, staff should receive an effective induction to support them in their role. This will enable a Personal Development Plan to be developed to support their initial learning and application in practice and it forms a foundation for the ongoing KSF Personal Development Planning and Review process. Induction Portal

Staff Support and Wellbeing

The KSF PDP & Review discussions can also link to the ongoing wellbeing discussions with staff. These well-being check-in’s often focus on how things are going (what is going well/what is been difficult and any supports required moving forward) and as such clearly fit in with the 3 key discussion questions that should frame the KSF PDP & Review. See the Staff Support and Wellbeing pages on HRConnect  for further info on staff supports. 

Career Development

The ongoing KSF PDP & Review discussions can also be an opportunity to discuss staffs wider career development and to include planning around this. The Career and Development Planning Framework pages are designed to offer a wide range of information to help plan development activities for staffs current post and prepare for future roles as part of a career pathway.

Learning, Education and Training Service

The Learning, Education and Training Service offers a range of development opportunities for all staff from entry into post and throughout the span of their career. From formal qualifications to learning pathways, we will provide you with practical solutions tailored to your needs. This might be by gaining a work based qualification, attending a classroom session (where appropriate) or via digital learning.  

The Learning, Education and Training Catalogue outlines information on the wide range of tutor led and e-Learning courses that are available. Access to digital learning is flexible and resources can be accessed from mobile devices, work or home PCs at any time. You can also get support for learning through the NHSGGC Staff Bursary Scheme.

Organisational Development

The Organisational Development Pages also provide information on a range of interventions tools and resources to support ongoing development and learning including leadership development.

Professional Development

Individual professions will also have a range of resources available to support staffs ongoing professional learning and development.