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HR Connect

Supporting Patients With A Dual-sensory Loss 

An awareness event for NHS staff – delivered by Deafblind Scotland

This discussion and learning event is designed to give an understanding of deafblindness and of the communication and support needs of deafblind people. The session will give focus to the experiences of patients using healthcare services and how to reduce barriers within NHS appointments.

The event also offers the opportunity to learn about the communication needs of deafblind people and to practice some basic deafblind manual communication skills.

The session will be facilitated by a trainer from Deafblind Scotland who has learned experience as a person with dual sensory loss.

This is an online event which lasts 90 mins.

Sessions will be on the following dates:

  • Thursday 26th October 2023 from 12.30pm – 2:00pm

Awareness Event by Deafblind Scotland Mon 26 Oct 2023

  • Monday 11th December 2023 from 12:30pm – 2:00pm

Awareness Event by Deafblind Scotland Mon 11 Dec 2023     

  • Monday 19th February 2024 from 12:30pm – 2:00pm

Awareness Event by Deafblind Scotland Mon 19 Feb 2024

Click on the link to book a place for your preferred date.

Arranging face-to-face training 

As an alternative, there are a limited number of face-to face sessions available. 

If you would like to arrange a tailored session within your workplace or for your team, then contact Martin Patterson from the Equality and Human Rights Team for more information and to discuss any requirements you might have for this training.

On this page

Payroll Documentation Guidance

The completion of accurate payroll documentation is key to ensuring personal data is robust and up-to-date and all payroll timeframes are adhered to.

The below guidance details each of the payroll forms and what elements are required to be completed by both Manager and Employee.

The forms are:

  • Employee Engagement Form
  • Notification of Change Form
  • Termination Form (Manager only)


Temporary Promotion to a Higher Pay Band – Guidance for Managers

The Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions Handbook paragraph 6.32 states:

 “Individuals may be moved into a higher pay band where it is necessary to fill a post on a temporary basis when a vacancy is unfilled, but being advertised, or the post is being held open for someone who is due to return, e.g. from long-term sickness absence, maternity leave, or from extended training”.

Please see below Management Guidance for staff who receive a temporary promotion to a higher band:


The Secondment Policy is accessible to all employees within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and applies when an employee wishes to undertake a temporary move (secondment) to another organisation, or to a different post within this organisation, for a defined period of time.  There is no automatic right to a secondment, however, no application will be unreasonably refused. 

Secondments offer the opportunity for individuals to develop new skills or enhance existing skills but should also be mutually beneficial to the Organisation.  The policy sets out guidance on types of secondment, suitable opportunities and arrangements as well as defining roles and responsibilities within the secondment process.

Top Tips on using the Policy……..
  • Discussions should take place between employee and current manager before an application for secondment is made.
  • Secondments vary in length but usually last between 3 months and 2 years.
  • A secondment agreement, signed by the relevant parties, should be in place prior to the secondment commencing.
  • Employees and their substantive manager are mutually responsible for ensuring they keep in touch during the secondment.

Clear arrangements for return at the end of secondment should be set out and detailed in the secondment agreement.

Secondments Guidance

What is a Secondment?

A secondment is a “temporary loan of an employee to another organisation, or to a different part/post of the same organisation, for a specific purpose and for a specific time, to the mutual benefit of employees and NHS Scotland generally.”

Who is entitled to request a Secondment?

All employees within NHSGGC will have equal access to the Secondment Policy in compliance with relevant legislation and no application for secondment will be unreasonably refused.

Are there different types of Secondment?

There are a number of different types of secondment which are as follows:

  • Internal secondment within NHSGGC
  • Internal secondment within NHSScotland
  • External secondment (e.g. to Scottish Government, local authority, trade unions, professional organisations and the voluntary sector).

How do I apply for a Secondment?

Secondment opportunities may arise through a variety of circumstances, but should ordinarily be advertised in line with the normal recruitment process. Employees must ensure that authorisation has been provided by their Accountable Manager prior to accepting a secondment opportunity.

How long can I request a Secondment for?

Secondments vary in length, usually between three months and two years, depending upon the circumstances.

What is a Secondment Agreement?

If the request for secondment has been agreed the approving manager will ensure that, prior to commencement of a secondment, the appropriate secondment agreement has been completed which will take into account the main following points:

  • Clear reasons for the secondment.
  • Clear agreement on the start and finish dates.
  • If employee’s substantive role may be unavailable for their return, then this must be understood and agreed prior to the commencement of the secondment, or at the time of any subsequent proposed extension or at the time of organisational change.
  • That the employee fully understands any terms and conditions implications.
  • Training needs during and following a period of secondment.
  • Arrangements for appraisal/PDP&R completion during the secondment.
  • Relevant statutory requirements for maintenance of professional registration.
  • Arrangements to keep in touch with the Secondee on a regular basis and to consult them on any proposed changes to their substantive post during the term of the secondment.
  • Clear arrangements for return of the Secondee to their substantive post or a suitable alternative.

Please refer to the full Secondment Policy for details on terms and conditions, and roles and responsibilities of a secondment.

Keeping records up to date

We need to know when you’re at work and when you have any type of time off. This is important to make sure we pay you correctly too.

All managers should ensure that SSTS is updated correctly and payroll is informed, where SSTS is not available.

The HR Support and Advice Unit can be contacted on 0141 278 2700 if you have any further questions or need advice on this policy area.

Secondments Tools and Templates

If the request for secondment has been agreed, the approving manager will ensure that, prior to commencement of a secondment, the appropriate secondment agreement has been completed which will take into account the main following points:

  • Clear reasons for the secondment.
  • Clear agreement on the start and finish dates.
  • If employee’s substantive role may be unavailable for their return, then this must be understood and agreed prior to the commencement of the secondment, or at the time of any subsequent proposed extension or at the time of organisational change.
  • That the employee fully understands any terms and conditions implications.
  • Training needs during and following a period of secondment.
  • Arrangements for appraisal/PDP&R completion during the secondment.
  • Relevant statutory requirements for maintenance of professional registration.
  • Arrangements to keep in touch with the Secondee on a regular basis and to consult them on any proposed changes to their substantive post during the term of the secondment.
  • Clear arrangements for return of the Secondee to their substantive post or a suitable alternative.

External secondment agreements can be more complex and therefore if required, managers should seek advice from their local HR Manager.

Secondment Template Letters

New and Changed Jobs

New, Changed Job and Reviews

All new jobs must be authorised by the Director/Head of Service and submitted into the Job Evaluation process via the Head of People and Change. If the new post is part of a wider service change, involving more than one post, then all job descriptions established should be submitted.

Posts can change over a period of time but for most the job evaluation outcome will not normally be affected unless there are significant changes. When the duties of a job have changed significantly then this should be addressed through the New and Changed Job process.

When a job has changed significantly the following must be provided:

A revised job description should be submitted and the agreed proposed national profile. · The original job description, CAJE matched job report and national profile;

The changed job submission pro-forma detailing the changes to the skills, responsibilities, effort or environmental aspects of the post.The content of our job descriptions must reflect NHSGGC organisational values and behaviours. 

Job Evaluation Handbook

The Job Evaluation Handbook provides information on the NHS job evaluation scheme, including the background on NHS pay structures prior to Agenda for Change and guidance on how to apply the scheme in practice. The contents of the handbook have been agreed in partnership by the NHS Staff Council.

The Agenda for Change Job Evaluation Handbook can be accessed on the NHS Scotland Management Steering Group website.

National Profiles

The NHS Job Evaluation scheme allows the majority of NHS jobs to be matched to nationally evaluated profiles, based on the information within job descriptions, person specifications and any additional job information.

The profiles also provide a framework to consistency-check local evaluations. For further information please visit the NHS Employers website.

Job Evaluation Group Advice

The Job Evaluation Group (JEG) provides information and advice for employers on the implementation of the NHS Job Evaluation scheme.

Further information on JEG can be found on the NHS Employers website.

New or Changed Jobs, and Notification Process

There is a need for the NHS Job Evaluation Scheme to continue to be used for determining the banding of posts, which will apply to all new posts and posts which have significantly changed since they were last evaluated.

New jobs

All submissions for new job roles to be evaluated require to be authorised by the Director/Head of Service and submitted to the Job Evaluation process via their Head of Human Resources.

Submisions must include the following:

  1. A completed and authorised submission form
  2. The agreed job description to be used in the job matching/evaluation process. 
  3. A full organizational chart showing the post to be graded
  4. A note of any similar posts in the organization that may be comparators.

A copy of the job description and submission form must be retained by the department for their records.   

Changed jobs

All posts change over a period time. For most, the job evaluation outcome will normally not be affected unless there are significant changes. Where a postholder and the manager agree that the demands of the job have or will significantly change then a re-evaluation of the post may require to be carried out.

Submissions must include the following:

  1. A completed and authorised submission form
  2. The original job description used in the job matching/evaluation process. 
  3. A copy of the matched job or evaluation report relating to the original job description and grading outcome
  4. The revised job description, clearly showing additions and revisions
  5. A full organizational chart showing the post to be graded
  6. A note of any similar posts in the organization that may be comparators.

A copy of the job description and submission form must be retained by the department for their records. A copy of the revised job description should be provided to the employee(s) and a copy held in their personal file.


Following the being notified of the matching outcome of a changed job, the post holder may wish to request a review of the outcome. The postholder must discuss the ‘request for a review’ with their line manager. The line manager must support and agree to the ‘request for a review’, in terms of the job description’s content and confirm it is a true, fair and accurate reflection of the job demands. All review documentation, including the Review Submission Form requires to be submitted to the relevant Head of Human Resources for submission within three months of the notified matching outcome.

Notification process

When job matching and evaluation outcomes are finalised, the NHSGGC Job Evaluation Unit will notify the outcome to the appropriate Head of Human Resources who will then update the manager and confirm the pay band for the post.

The line manager will formally notify the employee(s) and provide a copy of the matched job report and the national profile used to match the post or the evaluation report as appropriate.

Where the pay band has changed, the manager is responsible for notifying payroll and updating EESS to ensure employees are paid correctly.

A copy of the job description, submission form and matched job or evaluated job report must be retained by the department for their records. A copy of the notification to the employee)s) and the job report should be retained in the employee’s personal file.

Further details of the above process are outlined within the NHSGGC Agenda for Change New or Changed Jobs Process.

Agenda for Change Job Evaluation Submission Form

The Agenda for Change Job Evaluation Submission Form must be completed and forwarded to the Head of Human Resources.

New or Changed Job Review Submission Form

The New or Changed Job Review Submission Form must be completed and forwarded to the Head of Human Resources for instances where additional information should be considered within the Job Evaluation Review procedure.

This form should also be completed and forwarded to the Head of Human Resources where employees disagree with the banding outcome for their post, but do not wish to submit any additional information.

Job Description Template

All job descriptions submitted for job evaluation must be provided using the Job Description Template. A copy of the JD template with guidance notes on completion is available here.

On this page

Dying to Work Charter

The Dying to Work Campaign was setup by a trade union member who received a terminal illness diagnosis and went on to try and ensure support for others in the workplace. The name was established by the campaign and supported by the TUC. You can see more of how it came about and those supporting through the link below.

 The Dying to Work Campaign | Dying to Work

Sadly, some of our staff are diagnosed with a terminal illness during their working lives. It is therefore vital that as an employer we work to try and remove any additional stress and worry.

The Dying to Work Charter was adopted by NHSScotland in March 2021, and endorsed by NHSGGC Chief Executive and Employee Director.  It sets out an agreed way in which our staff will be supported, protected and guided throughout their employment, following a terminal diagnosis.

We will ensure that staff with life-limiting illness are not dismissed because of their condition unless leaving would benefit them, for instance to release a pension. We will provide job and financial security at a time of considerable personal stress and uncertainty and provide support and understanding.

The Charter is about choice. It’s about giving staff options on how they want to proceed at work and also provides guidance for Managers on how they can best support their staff.

NHSGGC Dying to Work Charter

Guidance for Line Managers

Injury Allowance Procedure and Guidance

This section provides procedure, guidance and associated documentation for injury allowance. Please contact the HR Support and Advice Unit if you wish clarification on this procedure or any further advice.



NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde staff who are injured or become ill due to their NHS employment may qualify for Injury Allowance if their pay is reduced as a result of their health problems. 

Eligibility is dependent on certain conditions being met.  Details on this and how to apply can be found in the Board’s Injury Allowance Procedure. 

Further information is also available in the Injury Allowance Guidance for Employees.


Tools and Templates

The electronic Employee Support Systm (eESS) will be much more than a change of ‘HR’ systems – it will mean a fundamental change to working practices for everyone, with the introduction of the Manager Self Service function.

All Line Managers (Band 6 or above) will have access to eESS Manager Self Service and will be responsible for approving/declining any requests submitted by employees.  Line Managers will also be able to process payroll transactions for staff for changes in employment. 

The eESS Manager Self Service section below shows some examples of what Managers can do (role dependent):

Managers – Please email your Payroll Officer for any changes being put through that have an impact on salary ( i.e. increasing/decreasing hours/band/terminations/annex 21 etc.) to save any under/over-payments being made.

Fixed Term Contract extensions – If an employee’s fixed term contract is to be extended, please contact the eESS Support Team via the HR Connect Portal for this to be updated on the employee’s record, confirming the new date the contract is to be extended to (together with the employee Name and eESS ID)

Change of Contract Details – If an employee’s contracted hours or contract type is changing, ie. fixed term to permanent, please contact the eESS Support Team via the HR Connect Portal for this to be updated on the employee’s record, confirming the date the contract is changing (together with the employee Name and eESS ID)

Manager Self Service
  • You can Approve, Reject, Return for Correction or Re-assign the request
  • This transaction will be available to the employee to view once recorded
  • Used in conjunction with “Change of Position” and “Change of Location”
  • The transaction can be viewed by employee once recorded
  • Only complete if there is no other Change i.e. Band, position etc
  • Change of Position should be used if other changes required
  • Change Position

For staff transfers due to promotion or move to another department

  • As per the NHS GGC Policy – the Releasing Manager is responsible for completing the staff transfer transaction on eESS
  • Maternity Leave
  • Security Pass. Parking Permit, IT hardware, phones, keys, uniforms etc
  • Complete after each episode of absence

Terminating an Employee 

It is important that you complete the appropriate eESS transaction as soon as you become aware that a staff member is leaving (for example, when you are given notice of their plan to leave). This ensures the staff member is terminated on the correct date and that there are no salary overpayments.

If employee has only one position please refer to SOP – Termination (where only one post)

Where the employee has more than 1 position within the Organisation, please refer to SOP – Termination (multiple assignments).

For ease, please select Assignment Termination Step by Step Guide for detailed process.

Step-by-Step Guides

A number of step-by-step guides have been drafted to guide managers through some of the main transactions that require to be completed by eESS:

Proxy Users

In line with local arrangements there may be requirements to setup Proxy Users across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) for Manager Self Service.

 A proxy user is someone who will transact self-service functions on behalf of:

  • a line manager; or
  • peer employees
  • via self-service-based access.

Please refer to the Proxy User Briefing document which outlines the process and details the governance rules associated with Proxy Users. The document can be found on the HR Connect Portal. Completed forms should be returned via the portal.

Useful Information

 Full access to all Employee Self Service Standard Operating Procedures and is available via the eESS National Webiste

OD and its associated activities are undertaken by every manager across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, the OD Team is here to provide focused support and expertise to:

  • Design, implement, monitor and evaluate leadership, individual, team, cultural and improvement activities
  • Provide an aligned resource to locally support senior managers and their teams
  • Facilitate directorate and professional teams to develop and improve how they work to deliver excellent service and patient centred care
  • Provide expertise on OD approaches, tools, models and interventions.

For further information and to answer any questions, please contact your OD Advisor.

Boardwide Leadership Provision

NHSGGC are committed to:

  • Developing leaders who can meet the challenges we face as an organisation,
  • Effectively engage with staff, partners and patients and who have the skills to deliver excellent services.

Management Development provision is available from the Learning and Education Department.

Pilotlight –  helps individuals to apply their professional skills to those who need it, and to grow their own skills as part of a team.

Resilience and Wellbeing Toolkit

The Resilience and Wellbeing toolkit is designed as a practical resource for you to use in understanding what drives your own well-being at work.

Further development for managers is available via Resilient Leadership – a delivered module designed to help you understand your role in relation to the well-being, resilience, engagement and ultimately performance of your teams.

Please visit our Resilience pages on Staffnet or contact your OD Advisor.

Change and Improvement

Improvement modules and tools

Four videos designed to take you through the use and application of a series of improvement modules/tools, or help you to understand and plan for the reactions of people to change, can be used as individual approaches or in conjunction with each other to support a wider range of activities.  

  • Understanding Your Process Through Mapping
  • Identifying Process Wastes and Organising the Workplace with 5S
  • Delivering the Root Causes of Process Waste 
  • Making Improvements with the PDSA Model.

The videos are available on our Staffnet pages.

Leading in changing times

Two videos designed to support you to prepare for and lead others through change.  

  • Leading in Changing Times – Managing the Process
  • Leading in Changing Times – Managing the Transition

Each video focuses on one tool and can be viewed on our Staffnet pages.

Meet the OD Team

Acute and Corporate Services 


Civility Saves Lives

Civility Saves Lives (CSL)

The aim of the Civility Saves Lives (CSL) campaign is to create, enable and maintain positive workplace relationships and environments where the culture is improved by promoting the value of civil, caring and compassionate interactions, raising awareness of unprofessional and unproductive behaviours, and understanding the negative impact that rudeness (incivility) can have.

CSL Vision in NHSGGC

Awareness – That all staff are aware of the benefits and initiatives they can agree in their own departments that promote encouragement and support between colleagues, and that they are also aware of the impact of incivility on patient safety, staff wellbeing and performance.

Agency – That we have an established approach (completely independent of formal HR process) to address incivility when it happens, that is available to all staff and is compassionate and positive, recognising we are all human and can make mistakes with our behaviour.

Getting involved

Everyone is encouraged to learn about the power of civility and the impact of rudeness, and we can all play our part in spreading the word about Civility Saves Lives with colleagues and across teams.

Why not become a Civility Champion within your team/ service? Learn more about the Champions in the overview paper, their role in raising awareness, and the local groups which have been established. You can contact your local Organisational Development Advisor to discuss or find out a bit more.

Useful Information and Links
Dr Chris Turner TED Talk 

CSL – General Awareness and Engagement sessions – May/June 2022

CSL Scotland Event 5 November 2021
NHS Scotland National Leadership Provision

To access programmes such as Leading for the Future (LFTF), Scottish Coaching and Leading for Improvement Programme (SCLIP), Scottish Improvement Leader Programme (ScIL) please visit TURAS Learn

Visit ProjectLift for access to the Leadership Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) and learning resources.  

Other programmes and resources can be accessed using TURAS Learn. 

Career and Development Planning

This section is designed to offer you information to help to plan development activities for your current post and prepare for future roles as part of a career pathway:

  • Preparing for a development discussion 
  • Developing Your Career Plan

Preparing for Development Discussions

Having effective development and career planning conversations are an essential part of creating a workforce skilled to deliver our services, teams who are continually learning and improving and individuals who are focused and engaged.

It is important to find time to plan and prepare for your development meetings.

Developing A Career Plan

Having a career plan helps us to clarify our short and long term learning objectives, how we will achieve these and the time we need to do this. A career plan is essentially a route map of development activities designed to take us to where we would like to be.

Regular review of our plan lets us see the progress we are making, build and adapt our development towards different roles or opportunities and continue the journey to our ideal job.

Further Information

Please contact anyone from the HR and OD team to help with any questions.

People Management Guide

A wide range of information and resources are available for staff and managers on the Menopause including

  • What to expect,
  • Available treatments,
  • Where to get support and help,
  • Coping with the Menopause at work.   

eESS Support – FAQs

What should I do if I don’t receive my username and password?

Please contact the eESS Support Team via the HR Connect Portal

Your details will be resent to you so please ensure you have sufficient space in your mailbox to receive new emails. Please keep these details safe for future use.

How do I access eESS?

You can access eESS from this link

 Alternatively, access eESS via your ‘favourites’ menu on your Internet Explorer toolbar (just as you would access SSTS). Select favourites > GGC Shortcuts > Admin > eESS

How do I access eESS if I do not have a GGC email account?

For those staff who don’t have e-mail accounts, there will be no immediate change for you – your manager will be able to assist with the transactions on your behalf as they currently do. Considerations are ongoing with regards to future access for all staff.  

For non NHS managers who manage NHS staff and will need access to eESS, this will be available in due course; however, we will provide further information on how the transactions will work to ensure that these are processed accordingly.

What do I do if I have forgotten my user ID or password?

Passwords on eESS are reset via a link sent by email. Click on the log-in assistance button on the log-in page and follow the instructions given.

What is a Proxy User?

In line with local arrangements there may be requirements to setup Proxy Users across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde for Manager Self Service. A proxy user is someone who will transact self-service functions on behalf of:

  • A line manager
  • Peer employees
  • Via self-service-based access.

Proxy for Manager Self Service must be specifically requested via the HR Connect Portal. The Proxy User Briefing document (which can be found within the portal) outlines the process for doing this and details the governance rules associated with Proxy Users.

How can I set up a Proxy User?

If you want to nominate a Proxy User to input transactions on your behalf, please complete the form at the end of the Proxy User Briefing document (which can be found within the portal) and return this via the HR Connect Portal Please note that for audit purposes, we require a “physical” signature rather than an electronic signature.

My annual leave entitlement is incorrect, how can this be amended?

If you’re annual leave entitlements is incorrect then please discuss this with your line manager who should arrange to update SSTS and then this will feed through to eESS.

Are New Start Engagement Forms still to be completed?

Yes, these should still be completed to engage a new start on to eESS and Payroll systems. Digital forms can be completed and submitted via the HR Connect Portal or paper copies can be sent to eESS Support Team, 2nd Floor, West Glasgow Ambulatory Care Hospital, Glasgow

Are Notifications of Change and Termination Forms still to be completed?

No, any changes or terminations should now be processed under manager self service.

(A notification of change letter still requires to be sent from the manager to employee)

Remember you can access step by steps guides and video tutorials on the eESS National website

Previous service

The eESS Support Team is aware that some employee’s previous service is not recorded on eESS. A process is currently being developed for this to be accurately recorded. Employees can detail any previous NHS service through ‘Previous NHS/ Reckonable Service’ via Employee Self Service SOP on the eESS National website

 For any employees who do not have access to eESS then their manager can record this on their behalf via Manager Self Service SOP on the eESS National website 

Hierarchy changes

If you notice that you have staff wrongly assigned to you please contact the eESS Team via the HR Connect Portal as soon as possible, confirming the correct line manager if known (Name, eESS ID or payroll number required).

If you are contacting the eESS Support Team to advise that there are staff missing from your hierarchy then please confirm the employees name and eESS ID or payroll number.

Terminations/assignment terminations

If a manager tries to terminate an employee who has more than one post they will receive an error message asking them to contact HR. Where an employee has more than one post the eESS Support Team will check whether the post being terminated is set as the primary role, and is so will change this and confirm to the manager once this has been completed.

In order for the manager to progress with a termination for an employee has more than one assignment they should follow the relevant Standard Operating Procedure

Please note that for Terminating an assignment there is two steps to this process as detailed in the above Standard Operating Procedure. If only one of the steps is completed this will not progress to Payroll and thus the termination will not be actioned.

If an employee only has one post with NHSGGC then the Standard Operating Procedure for Terminations should be followed: 

Internal transfer of staff

To change an employee to a different department the cost code needs to be updated in ‘Change Job and Terms’, above the department heading there is red bold text advising the user that the cost code also needs to be updated in ‘Change Cost Centre’ and it is detailed within the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). However, managers have only been updating either ‘Change Job and Terms’ or ‘Change Cost Centre’ rather than updating both. Please ensure that both ‘Change Job and Terms’ or ‘Change Cost Centre’ are updated which are separate functions under Manager Self Service.

If you are trying to complete a transaction to move an employee from one department to another or to change their banding and the ‘position’ field defaults to blank and you cannot choose any options it is likely that a new position requires to be created. This can be done by the eESS Support Team. Therefore, please contact the eESS Support Team providing the following information:

Cost code (if changing), job title, job family (i.e. nursing, admin etc) band (if changing) and location (if changing).

Once the new position has been set up the eESS Support Team will confirm the new details for the manager to enter the transaction on ‘Change Job and Terms’ via Manager Self Service.

Change job and terms: Use of temporary notes

A number of managers had advised that they had made changes on an employee’s eESS record, which their manager (Manager 2) had approved and therefore belief that an employee’s information has been changed and will be processed by Payroll. However, the ‘Temporary Change Notes’ does not form part of the Payroll Interface and therefore these notes are not received by Payroll. The only way to make a change on eESS that will progress to Payroll is to make amendments to the employee’s eESS record by following the appropriate Standard Operating Procedure.

Medical and dental

It was apparent that managers are unclear when completing transactions under Medical and Dental particularly relating to updating EPA details. As a result, NHSGGC had requested to the eESS National Team that the Standard Operating Procedure was revised and made more user friendly.

Therefore, a new Standard Operating Procedure has now been finalised.

Fixed term contract extensions

If an employee’s fixed term contact is to be extended then please contact eESS Support Team via the HR Connect Portal for this to be updated on the employee’s record confirming the new date the contract is to be extended to. When you are contacting eESS Support Team please provide the employees name and eESS ID

Change of contractual status

If an employee’s contractual status is changing, i.e. from fixed term to permanent, then please contact eESS Support Team via the HR Connect Portal for this to be updated on the employee’s record confirming the date from this changing. When you are contacting eESS Support Team please provide the employees name and eESS ID.

How to delegate worklist notifications

If you are going on leave and want to nominate a colleague to manage transactions in your absence you can set this up in Vacation Rules on your home screen. This needs to be a colleague who reports directly to someone who is a Band 7 or above, in order to meet Standing Financial Instructions (SFI). For further information please refer to NHSGGC : Manager Self Service

If a manager is off sick, the eESS Support Team will need to temporarily amend the hierarchy in the manager’s absence. Once the manager has resumed to work, then the eESS Support Team can be contacted to change to remove the temporary hierarchy changes.

It is important to ensure that no transactions are actioned until the hierarchy has been temporarily changed. If an employee/ manager 1 has already submitted the change job terms /termination transaction above (so it is sitting with the manager 1 or 2 who is off sick) they will need to delete it from the system. The eESS Support Team will then amend the hierarchy and the employee/ manager 1 can re-submit the transaction.


Additional Help and Support

Help and support to various end users will come in a number of different forms:

1) eESS Team via the HR Connect Portal

2) Manager Self Service LearnPro Module. Access LearnPro using the following link: LearnPro Login Page 

Login to LearnPro using your Username and Password, then search for “eEES” under the Specialist Subjects tab.

Our managers are at the core of helping us deliver our objectives, to uphold our NHS values and their skills in managing people are vital for the function of all departments and the wider organisation. They organise the care or services delivered by each team and they work to ensure that all staff can not only operate at their best, but also experience NHSGGC as a great place to work and develop. This pathway is designed to provide clear guidance for managers joining NHSGGC and signposting next steps in development for their career journey.

The Induction pathway for new people managers is based on the following which have been developed using feedback from iMatter and Investors in People to ensure that our staff have the best experience of being managed:

  1. People Management Guide: Being a Manager of People in NHSGGC – Responsibilities and Guidance
  2. Equality Law: A Manager’s Guide to Getting it Right in NHSGGC
  3. People Manager Self-Assessment Questionnaire
  4. Systems and Processes

If there is any other information you need to support you in your new role please discuss with your line manager or contact the Learning and Education Team through our HR Portal.

1. The People Management Guide: Being a Manager of People in NHSGGC-Responsibilities and Guidance

This guide covers the following eleven main people management responsibilities. It is designed to set out in one place a summary of what is expected of you as a people manager in NHSGGC irrespective of your band or profession, and also to provide help and support for your development:

  1. Staff Health, Safety and Wellbeing (ShaW)
  2. Staff Engagement
  3. Individual PDP&R
  4. Service Performance, Team Meetings and Communications
  5. Team Development and i-Matter
  6. General HR Policy Awareness and Application
  7. Equalities
  8. Partnership Working and Managing Change
  9. Attendance Management and SSTS
  10. Recruitment and Retention
  11. Leadership Skills

2. Equality Law – A Manager’s Guide to Getting It Right in NHSGGC

This guide has been produced for operational managers by NHSGGC’s Equality and Human Rights Team with the support of the Workforce Equality Group to highlight the key areas of the Equality Act 2010 which have specific relevance for operational managers in the management of teams and delivery of services.

3. People Management Self Assessment Questionnaire

The Self-Assessment Questionnaire accompanies the People Management Guide. This is developed to support you to identify where you think they are on the development journey as a manager. For many managers, this list of people management responsibilities will be a given, but there may be some activities listed in the guide that require additional advice or support.

As a new people manager, you are encouraged to complete the questionnaire and discuss this with your line manager to direct and support you through your induction period. The questionnaire should be completed within the first 3 months following appointment to your role in NHSGGC. A copy of the questionnaire results will be emailed to you to use for the basis of personal development conversations.

You will have the opportunity to discuss your personal learning needs at 121s and through your personal development planning and review meetings. Your line manager should provide time for development and be available to support discussion around specific areas of guidance and support.

Furthermore, the following resources and training opportunities can support you as a new manager with your people management responsibilities:

4. People Management Systems

In the development of the pathway we identified people management systems that may be used by managers depending on their role and responsibilities. Information is added below and includes guidance on access to username, passwords and training resources:

Scottish Standard Time System (SSTS)

SSTS is an electronic duty sheet which must be completed by department managers with details of the shifts worked by staff and any absences ( AL, Sickness, etc).

User Guide and Training


LearnPro is NHSGGC e-Learning Platform. To access the LearnPro user guide click here.

TURAS Appraisal

TURAS Appraisal is the application for recording the appraisal information (KSF PDP&R Conversations) of Health and Care staff across Scotland.

User Guide and Training


JobTrain is the NHSScotland National Recruitment System to manage the key recruitment and selection activities and processes during the core stages of the recruitment process. To access JobTrain user guide click here.

eEmployee Support System (eESS)

eESS is a single, national NHS Scotland approach to HR systems providing a high quality, standardised HR functions including; Employee Self Service, Manager Self Service, Core HR and Oracle Learning Management System (OLM).

User Guide and Training

Safety Health and Wellbeing (SHaW) Task Calendar

The Task Calendar is a platform being used to provide a structured approach to support departments to complete a range of activities that are within their Health and Safety Manuals. To access the user guide click here.


Datix is the software used by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde for clinical and non-clinical incident reporting and forms part of the boards Risk Management Strategy. It is also used for Risk Register, Legal Claims, Complaints and FOI Module.

User Guide and Training


i-Matter is the NHS Scotland Staff Experience continuous improvement tool, developed and designed nationally to help individuals, teams, Directorates, HSCPs and Boards to understand and improve staff experience, engagement, motivation and productivity. To access the user guide click here.

ServiceNow Portal

Service Now is a portal for HR, eESS and L&E related enquires and support.

User Guide and Training


MicroStrategy is a web based platform where most of the Workforce Analytics and monthly reports such as personnel, recruitment and training information can be obtained there. To access the MicroStrategy Web Help click here.


PECOS (Professional Electronic Commerce Online System) is the online eProcurement system used by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde for ordering and receiving all goods and services. To access the user guide click here.

The aim of our Investors in People (IiP) journey is to enable all of us to contribute our best and be involved in making ongoing positive changes in our workplace.

Our corporate objective of ‘Better Workplace’ sets out our priorities for creating a great place to work and growing our great community.

Our Workforce Strategy sets out how we aim to achieve this, and has Investors in People (IiP) at the core, reaffirming our commitment to the National Staff Governance Standards.

Making work better together is one of the key enablers of better patient care.

Our engagement with IiP assesses us as an employer, providing external benchmarking and assurance, continuous improvement opportunities and accreditation for achieving high workplace standards and being a great place to work.

IiP is an international global benchmark which is recognised in over 66 countries and working with them will provide us with an independent assessment of areas for improvement and celebration.

IiP provides a consistent framework that helps us to align all our initiatives within a holistic approach, including iMatter, Collaborative Conversations and other values and culture work. External benchmarking from IiP then provides NHSGGC with an independent assessment of areas for improvement and celebration.

Investors in People assesses organisational standards across 3 broad areas:

  • Leading
    • How much trust is there between leaders, colleagues and teams??
    • Do we together live up to our values, and inspire the right kind of culture?
  • Supporting
    • Are colleagues and teams rewarded for doing well?
  • Improving
    • Are we as ready as we can be for any changes the future might bring?

Following the pilot and achievement of IiP accreditation at the Inverclyde Royal Hospital, colleagues and teams working within corporate services, including Estates and Facilities at our non-acute sites, have also successfully achieved the Investors in People standard.

Investors in People continues to make great progress across the organisation, and NHSGGC is aiming to continue our Board-wide work with Investors in People (IiP) in the next cycle of assessments.

Continuously learning about our opinions and viewpoints is essential to ensuring we can continue to grow and develop our workplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did we choose Investors in People?

Over the years we have done a great deal of work to support staff and ensure that as an employer, NHSGGC is doing its best for staff. iMatter is the framework to develop our culture and collective leadership. It now includes the development of our staff mental health and wellbeing plan. Since the launch of iMatter, we have been looking for a way to assess and benchmark how well these efforts actually improve NHSGGC as a place to work for our staff and how we compare with other employers.

IiP is a key element of our Workforce Strategy and reaffirms our commitment to the Staff Governance Standards.

What is the aim of IiP?

The aim of IiP is to enable our staff to be involved in making ongoing positive changes. Our long term objective is to embed good people management practice in the core of services. The IiP process supports NHSGGC to put staff at the front and centre of our organisation. The IiP approach emphasises partnership working, collaboration and team working across staff groups and also along management and directorate lines.

What are the benefits of IiP?
  • Improved staff motivation and morale.
  • Provides independent in-depth insight into organisation culture and practice.
  • Gives a clear road map and route for progression.
  • Provides a consistent framework against which we can conduct internal and external benchmarking of people processes and performance.
  • Enhances organisational reputation and is also a factor for being a more desirable employer to attract the people we need.
  • Alignment of key people issues to the organisation’s performance and goals.
  • All these contribute to enhanced patient experience and quality of care.
Who was involved?

IiP assessment has been rolled out across Acute and Corporate sites in five clusters, 344 Senior Managers and Medical Consultants

A randomly selected 5% sample of all colleagues were invited to take part. Of that sample 25% were senior managers, invited to in-depth discussions. 75% of the sample were staff groups invited to workshops for in-depth discussion.

This comprised of:

  • 1310 – Members of staff taking part. That’s approximately 16 working weeks or 594 hours of dialogue with staff about what’s working well and what could be improved.
  • 344 – Senior managers who took part in online interviews with IiP specialists.
  • 337 – Face to face focus groups.
  • 38 – Assessors who supported the focus groups.
What did we find?
What we do well as an organisation:

Our staff told us we were getting quite a few things right, such as:

  • Operating in line with our NHS values, adopting and living the values
  • Empowering our staff
  • Making decisions
  • Setting objectives
  • Our approach to recognition and reward where staff are recognised for excellence
  • Designing roles that were fit for purpose
  • Creating autonomy in roles so our staff can give their best
  • Enabling collaborative working with colleagues
  • Supporting learning and development
  • Creating a culture of continuous improvement
  • Understanding the external context
Areas where we could do better

• Creating Transparency and Trust, specifically for leaders to provide more clarity around the organisations purpose, vision and objectives.

• Deploying the right people at the right time, specifically that recruitment and selection is fair, efficient and effective and fits with the organisations objectives and that any room for improvement in process (within the national policy and process) or queries, concerns and escalations are prioritised. Staff are also looking to be kept updated of plans around staffing challenges.

• Improving through internal and external resources, that the investment we make in our people is evaluated and the results are used to improve performance.

• Focusing on the future, specifically for leaders to communicate more around future priorities (staff want to know what/how things are happening and what/how to prioritise).

• Embracing Change, specifically when change happens it is communicated in a timely and transparent way across the organisation.

What happens next?

There are 5 Investors in People clusters across our Corporate and Acute Sector sites. Each Cluster has developed their own improvement plans, tailored to respond to feedback from colleagues in the cluster.

The IiP Clusters are:

Corporate Cluster

The Corporate Cluster is chaired by Anne MacPherson, Director of Human Resources and OrganisationalDevelopment and supported by Paul Cogan, Senior OrganisationalDevelopment Advisor.

The Corporate met the standards of IiP and achieved accreditation in April 2022.

The cluster is made up of all the corporate directorate office staff and the Facilities and Estates staff who work in discreet units, such as the Decontamination Unit and the Laundry (i.e. the Corporate and Facilities staff not based on acute sites).

They included staff from the following directorates:

  • Chief Executives Office
  • Board Medical Directorate (Excludes pharmacy as is covered as are in all hospitals sites, but incudes staff at Clarkston Court )
  • Board Nurse Directorate
  • Board Administration
  • Corporate Communications
  • Finance
  • Human Resources & Organisational Development
  • Non-Acute site eHealth (non-site based, Call centre in Hillington and Paisley Smithhills Street and Westward house)
  • Public Health (including contact tracing, test and protect recovery and COVID Vaccinations)
  • Non-Acute site Estates and Facilities (Cowlairs FM, Cowlairs Estates, Inverclyde CDU, Laundry)
Clyde Cluster

The Clyde Cluster is chaired by Melanie McColgan, Director for the Clyde Sector, led by Louise Watson SChief AHP Clyde and supported by Julie Pearson, Senior Organisational Development Advisor.

The Cluster is made up of all staff at :

  • Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley
  • Vale of Leven Hospital
  • Inverclyde Royal Hospital

Inverclyde Royal Hospital was a single site pilot in 2021 and is now been included in the Clyde Cluster.

North Cluster

The North Cluster is chaired by Neil McCallum, Director for the North Sector, led by Alison Leiper, Chief AHP for the North Sector and supported by Claire Robertson, Senior Organisational Development Advisor.

The Cluster is made up of all staff at

  • Glasgow Royal Infirmary Campus
  • Stobhill Hospital
  • Lightburn Hospital
  • Rowanbank Clinic
  • Leverndale Hospital
South Cluster

Jamie Redfern, Director of Women and Children’s Services is the Chair for the South Cluster, supported by Sue Tanner, Human Resources Manager South Sector and John Scrimgeour, Senior Organisational Development Advisor.

Sites in the South Cluster is made up of staff at:

  • Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus
    • Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
    • Institute of Neurological sciences
    • Spinal injuries Unit
    • WestMARC on two sites QE and Yoker
    • QEUH Maternity Unit
    • Royal Hospital for Children
    • Laboratory Medicine
  • New Victoria Ambulatory Care Hospital
West Cluster

The West Cluster is chaired by Susan Groom, Director of Regional Services and supported by the West Cluster Senior Organisational Development Advisor and Nicola Bailey, Head of Human Resources for Regional and Diagnostics.

The Cluster is made up of all staff at

  • Gartnavel General Hospital
  • The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre
  • West of Scotland Breast Screening Service
  • West Glasgow Ambulatory Care Hospital
  • Lanarkshire Beatson
  • Radionuclide Dispensary