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Equality Impact Assessments

Equality Impact Assessments are a means of showing how NHSGGC shows ‘due regard’ to the Equality Act 2010 when writing new policies, creating new services or making changes to existing services.

This means that we work in a way that removes discrimination, promotes equality of opportunity and fosters good relations between people who have a protected characteristic and people who don’t

Conducting EQIAs is a legal duty for NHSGGC and helps us provide services that are sensitive to inequalities and meet the needs of our diverse community.

If you’ve been asked to undertake an EQIA in your service area you need to book onto a Lead Reviewers training session before starting. Click on the button below for more information and dates.

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You can also contact or call 0141 201 4560

Please note: NHSGGC’s commitment to equality impact assess services and policies pre-dates The 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012. As a result, some terminology used within earlier assessments may not match current legislative terminology.

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