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Planning Your Care

Why should you plan your care?

Planning your care allows you to be in control and lets others know what is important to you. This means we can all work together to make treatment plans that are unique to you and respect your wishes.

These conversations ask some big questions and sometimes it can be difficult to know where to begin. Here are some tips to get you started.

Conversation Tips

Don’t Rush

Take some time to think about what matters to you and who matters to you.

Do Some Research

Everyone is unique and has their own ideas about what they would like. However there might be things you’ve never considered like where you would prefer to receive treatment, or what treatments you would or would not want. Talk to people involved in your care and ask them to explain all the options that are available so that you can make an informed choice.

Speak To The People Who Matter To You

Let them know that you think this is really important and you want to have this conversation. Often we don’t talk about these topics because we think it will be upsetting for everyone involved, but these conversations give people the opportunity to learn more about each other which many people appreciate. It is also reassuring for people to know what your wishes are so that if they need to, they can make decisions that match these.

Make Notes

You don’t need to make a formal plan right away but it can be helpful to take some notes while you think about these topics. You can then use these notes when it comes to filling out the proper documentation.

Remember – Plans Are Not Set In Stone

Everyone has the right to change their mind. Situations can change and what matters to you might change to reflect what is going on in your life. It is important to revisit these conversations with the people that matter to you and any health care staff involved in your care so that everyone is aware of any changes in your wishes. These can then be updated in the documentation.

It’s Okay To Ask Questions!

When plans are being made, it is important that everyone is given a chance to express their views so that we can make shared decisions and find the best option for you.

The BRAN Questions can be a useful way to check that you have all the information you need to make an informed choice about different treatments or plans. These are four questions that ask about the benefits, risks and alternatives of treatment, as well as what would happen if we did nothing.

B – What are the Benefits of this test or procedure?
R – What are the Risks of this test or procedure?
A – Are there any Alternatives?
N – What if I do Nothing?

When you are talking to any professional about different options, don’t be afraid to ask these questions – we are more than happy to talk about all of these with you!

Visit the NHS Inform: It’s Ok to Ask website for more information.

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