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The Scottish Women’s Health Plan

The Scottish Women’s Health Plan

The Women’s Health Plan (2021-2024) reinforces the actions to be taken to improve women’s health and address inequalities. These include raising awareness around women’s health, improving access to health care and reducing inequalities in health for girls and women, both for sex-specific conditions and in general health.

The Plan is part of wider work being undertaken across the Scottish Government to improve women’s health, particularly with regards to mesh, maternal health, and screening services.

Women’s health is not just a women’s issue. When women and girls are supported to lead healthy lives and fulfil their potential, the whole of society benefits.

An Interim Progress Update 2023 has been published which provides some key highlights that have taken place since the publication of the Scottish Women’s Health Plan.

Why do we need a Women’s Health Plan?

Women face particular health inequalities and disadvantages because they are women.

Women are 51% of the population but are under-represented in medical research and have poorer outcomes for a range of health issues, not just reproductive health. 

Women’s health is also affected by social factors. For example, women are more likely to experience poverty and be affected by gender-based violence.

The Women’s Health Plan has identified 6 priority areas requiring action across a women’s life course:  

  • Menstrual health
  • Menopause
  • Endometriosis
  • Contraception and Abortion
  • Cardiac disease
  • Reduction in inequalities in health outcomes

What’s happening in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde?

Dr Emilia Crighton, Acting Director of Public Health is the strategic lead for the Women’s Health Plan in NHSGGC.  Louise Carroll, based in the Equality and Human Rights Team, is leading the co-ordination and implementation of the Plan. 

A huge amount of work is taking place across NHSGGC which links to the vision and actions of the Women’s Health Plan.

Activities associated with the implementation of the Plan in NHSGGC, including a staff engagement event, are planned for early 2023.

If you would like further information on the Plan or wish to highlight women’s health programmes or projects, please contact:

Information, Advice & Support

To support the Women’s Health Plan, NHS Inform have a dedicated Women’s Health Platform containing a wide a range of information on health topics affecting women.  These include resources on menstrual health and the menopause.