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Play by the rules – to keep everyone safe

  • 3 min read

People in Glasgow and surrounding areas need to play by the rules – as Covid cases continue to rise in the area.

The warning comes from one of Scotland’s leading Public Health voices, Dr Linda de Caestecker of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Dr de Caestecker said: “We are seeing increased number of cases in this area, often due to house parties but some also relate to visits to bars and restaurants.  Nobody wants to see pubs and restaurants have to close down again. 

“When we examine the rate per 100,000 population it is highest in West Dunbartonshire where many cases relate to family gatherings and parties.  The next highest rate is in Glasgow City where more cases are associated with visits to bars and restaurants.  Only the Inverclyde rate is remaining relatively low at present.

“I would like to thank members of the public who are abiding by the rules, and for those who aren’t, ask them to remember that they are putting themselves, their loved ones and their work colleagues at risk. As the First Minister keeps saying, things should not feel normal yet. So going out and about, visiting three or four pubs a night just doesn’t work.

“By all means go to the pub and see friends, but if you do, you must socially distance. If you go somewhere and it’s busy, you should leave and find somewhere quieter – and safer. If you are out, pick a bar and stay in that one place, as moving between venues just increases your chances of catching the virus. 

“Nobody wants to back to into lockdown. Nobody wants to be forced into only seeing friends on a screen again. So if we want to continue to meet our friends and family to enjoy a night out then we all need to play by the rules.”

Linda is NHSGGC’s Director of Public Health. Her team has been at the forefront of the fight against Covid-19 since February and they have also developed the local Test and Protect system which contacts people who need to self-isolate.

She added: “There’s no doubt that our job is made much harder in tracing close contacts when a person has been in several different places over one night. However, more importantly, people are increasing their risk by going to multiple venues with large groups.

“Remember you are infectious for around two days before you get any symptoms, so everyone should be limiting their ‘contacts’ all the time. My advice is go around with the thought that you could be infectious and meet as few people as possible within two metres and remember FACTS.”


Avoid crowded places

Clean your hands regularly

Two metre distance

Self-isolate and book a test if you have symptoms

Dr de Caestecker said: “It’s very simple. We all need to play by the rules or risk a return to even tighter restrictions, such as bars and restaurants being forced to shut. This is in our hands – so let’s take control and make this work.”